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Created January 18, 2018 13:43
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clickhouse get tables size
SELECT table,
formatReadableSize(sum(bytes)) as size,
min(min_date) as min_date,
max(max_date) as max_date
WHERE active
GROUP BY table
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gebi commented Dec 30, 2021

thx for the nice ideas.
@nanmu42 i removed the usage of currentDatabase() and using this as view now, really helpfull, thx!

-- CREATE VIEW meta.table_info AS
from (
    select database,
        formatReadableSize(sum(data_uncompressed_bytes))          AS uncompressed_size,
        formatReadableSize(sum(data_compressed_bytes))            AS compressed_size,
        sum(data_compressed_bytes) / sum(data_uncompressed_bytes) AS ratio
    from system.columns
    group by database, table
) columns right join (
    select database,
           sum(rows)                                            as rows,
           max(modification_time)                               as latest_modification,
           formatReadableSize(sum(bytes))                       as disk_size,
           formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory)) as primary_keys_size,
           any(engine)                                          as engine,
           sum(bytes)                                           as bytes_size
    where active
    group by database, table
) parts on ( columns.database = parts.database and columns.table = parts.table )
order by parts.bytes_size desc;

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sanchezzzhak commented Dec 30, 2021

Preview result for last comment

parts.database|parts.table        |rows      |latest_modification|disk_size |primary_keys_size|engine   |bytes_size |compressed_size|uncompressed_size|ratio               |
XXXX_XYZ      |stat               |2785390432|2021-12-30 13:18:02|63.16 GiB |12.67 MiB        |MergeTree|67818785564|62.92 GiB      |455.69 GiB       |  0.1380777904379178|
XXXX_XYZ      |xxxx_stat          | 126229688|2021-12-30 13:18:02|4.74 GiB  |46.12 KiB        |MergeTree| 5086896141|4.72 GiB       |20.57 GiB        | 0.22955898394311353|
XXXX_XYZ      |stat_ad_rotate     |2225681893|2021-12-30 13:15:01|2.68 GiB  |5.70 MiB         |MergeTree| 2875869576|2.63 GiB       |78.76 GiB        |0.033415321783118186|
XXXX_XYZ      |xxxxx_stat         |   4185953|2021-12-30 13:19:02|227.39 MiB|20.99 KiB        |MergeTree|  238434440|222.91 MiB     |896.37 MiB       | 0.24868153479762312|
XXXX_XYZ      |xxxxx_domain_link  |  21416450|2021-12-30 13:19:02|139.04 MiB|26.41 KiB        |MergeTree|  145798523|133.79 MiB     |354.18 MiB       | 0.37773677725847915|
XXXX_XYZ      |xxxxx_stat         |   1673219|2021-12-30 08:30:07|96.19 MiB |816.00 B         |MergeTree|  100861023|95.41 MiB      |334.69 MiB       |  0.2850605846725567|
XXXX_XYZ      |ab_stat            |      5056|1970-01-01 03:00:00|132.36 KiB|15.00 B          |MergeTree|     135541|130.16 KiB     |666.56 KiB       |  0.1952736755743085|

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gebi commented Dec 30, 2021

any idea how to remove the parts. in parts.database and parts.table without writing down all columns again?

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brilliant. I rounded the ratio for a smaller column

round(sum(data_compressed_bytes) / sum(data_uncompressed_bytes), 3) AS ratio

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Hey all, awesome scripts! Many thanks for this contributions ❤️

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awesome scripts!

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Recodify commented Nov 2, 2022

I add a compression percentage as find them easier than ratios at-a-glance

select parts.*,
from (
         select table,
                formatReadableSize(sum(data_uncompressed_bytes))          AS uncompressed_size,
                formatReadableSize(sum(data_compressed_bytes))            AS compressed_size,
                round(sum(data_compressed_bytes) / sum(data_uncompressed_bytes), 3) AS  compression_ratio,
                round((100 - (sum(data_compressed_bytes) * 100) / sum(data_uncompressed_bytes)), 3) AS compression_percentage

             from system.columns
             group by table
         ) columns
         right join (
    select table,
           sum(rows)                                            as rows,
           max(modification_time)                               as latest_modification,
           formatReadableSize(sum(bytes))                       as disk_size,
           formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory)) as primary_keys_size,
           any(engine)                                          as engine,
           sum(bytes)                                           as bytes_size
    where active 
    group by database, table
    ) parts on columns.table = parts.table
order by parts.bytes_size desc;

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Thanks a lot. Very helpful scripts.

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Thx you guys and gals! Real useful sqls! You've just inspired me to code a little exporter to view the presented data in prometheus or grafana.

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Thx you guys and gals! Real useful sqls! You've just inspired me to code a little exporter to view the presented data in prometheus or grafana.

Mmm... Smth like this

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@alexeyantropov do you mind to add some custom queries? Have you finished to code a little exporter?

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@alexeyantropov do you mind to add some custom queries? Have you finished to code a little exporter?

I've finished and use it in my production environment. But sure I can add some extra queries and metrics. What have you to suggest?

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