#Compiling Nginx with RTMP module
- Install the following packages
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties dpkg-dev git
- Add Nginx repo
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable
- Update package list
sudo apt-get update
- Get nginx source (put this in it's own dir like
sudo apt-get source nginx-full
- Move into the src dir
cd /build/nginx-x.x.x
- Grab the build dependecies for
sudo apt-get build-dep nginx-full
- Grab the nginx-rtmp-module source into modules folder for the nginx source
cd /build/nginx-x.x.x/debian/modules
git clone git://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module.git
- Move back into the src dir
cd /build/nginx-x.x.x
- Add the module to the
rules innginx-x.x.x/debian/rules
for all the versions--add-module=$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-rtmp-module \
- Make an update to the changelog
dch -i
- rebuild the package
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
- The debs can be installed using
sudo dpkg -i PACKAGE_NAME.deb
(you'll need to move all the debs)
This can probably be done a slightly less clunky fashion or by using the Launchpad PPA system somehow
Hi, I dont understand this line please,
"Add the module to the configure rules in nginx-x.x.x/debian/rules for all the versions --add-module=$(MODULESDIR)/nginx-rtmp-module "
Where does it go in the file ~debian/rules ?