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Santiago Basulto santiagobasulto

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Did I just find a bug on Google Search?

I don't know if Google guys would consider this a "bug", but I do think it'd be a good addition. So this is what's going on:

I was doing a quick search today, I searched for "hendrix tuning" (I was having an argument with a friend between E-flat and D open tunings). I did the search and this is what appeared on the google result page: Google results page

As you might have noticed, the little "flat" symbol (u"\u266D" for python guys) is missing in the title of the results (first result).

I checked the wikipedia site and everything looked ok: Wikipedia page

[{"lat": 40.6140967, "lng": -111.8310971, "ele": 1436.65, "dis": 0.0}, {"lat": 40.6141252, "lng": -111.8309241, "ele": 1439.15, "dis": 15.19}, {"lat": 40.6137947, "lng": -111.8302843, "ele": 1441.26, "dis": 80.63}, {"lat": 40.6134172, "lng": -111.8292659, "ele": 1452.61, "dis": 177.13}, {"lat": 40.6130807, "lng": -111.8278195, "ele": 1460.71, "dis": 305.37}, {"lat": 40.6130177, "lng": -111.8269955, "ele": 1462.09, "dis": 375.46}, {"lat": 40.6129887, "lng": -111.8222848, "ele": 1465.26, "dis": 774.13}, {"lat": 40.6129145, "lng": -111.8218132, "ele": 1465.82, "dis": 814.89}, {"lat": 40.6126618, "lng": -111.8212255, "ele": 1465.37, "dis": 872.0}, {"lat": 40.610668, "lng": -111.8185576, "ele": 1477.88, "dis": 1188.46}, {"lat": 40.61051, "lng": -111.8182362, "ele": 1481.18, "dis": 1221.0}, {"lat": 40.6105036, "lng": -111.8179759, "ele": 1482.49, "dis": 1243.08}, {"lat": 40.6121454, "lng": -111.8171823, "ele": 1479.6, "dis": 1437.39}, {"lat": 40.6139649, "lng": -111.8152743, "ele": 1483.14, "dis": 1696.06}, {"lat":
"lat": 40.6140967,
"lng": -111.8310971,
"ele": 1436.65,
"dis": 0.0
"lat": 40.6141252,
"lng": -111.8309241,
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
santiagobasulto / 0_reuse_code.js
Created June 30, 2014 13:36
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev curl git make g++ gcc
curl | sh
nvm install 0.11.13
nvm alias default 0.11.13
# Add this to your .bashrc if no present `source ~/.nvm/`

This is a remote course where you'll be learning on a remote classroom with a real teacher, real classmates and real assignments. The estimated duration of the course is 6 weeks, attending 2 classes per week, 2 hours per class.

We're going to do two courses. One for beginners who want to learn "how to program" and other for novice programmers who want to master advanced concepts and web programming. Check the contents bellow.

Attention: Please check the schedule section for details before applying

Apply now:

What are we doing

santiagobasulto /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Python iterators example: A random number iterator that doesn't repeat elements.
from random import randint
class RandomNumberIterator(object):
def __init__(self, smallest=0, largest=1000):
self.served = set()
self.smallest = smallest
self.largest = largest
def __iter__(self):
# remap prefix from 'C-b' to 'C-a'
unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix C-a
bind-key C-a send-prefix
# split panes using | and -
bind / split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %
def ajax_get_subcategorias(request, id_categoria):
padre = Categoria.objects.get(id = id_categoria)
categorias = padre.getSubcategorias()
json = serializers.serialize('json', categorias)
return HttpResponse(json, content_type='application/javascript; charset=utf-8')
return HttpResponseNotFound()
<<<<<<< local