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Muhammad Saqib Sarwar saqibsarwar

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asilbalaban / dummy.html
Created May 4, 2014 13:45
Wordpress Theme Dummy HTML Markup
<h1>This is the H1 Heading</h1>
<p>Above this paragraph should be the H1 heading for your web page. If it is not visible, the design settings for the H1 tag is set to <code>display:none</code> which many WordPress Themes use to hide the blog title text and replace it with a graphic. Do not use H1 within your blog post area.</p>
<p>If the design in the H1 heading looks like your blog title or blog post title, then that is the style set for that HTML tag and you should not use it within your blog post area.</p>
<p>Inside of this test data section are most of the basic HTML and XHTML and CSS styles that you might use within your WordPress Theme. You need to know what that will look like as part of structuring your styles.</p>
<h2>This is the H2 Heading</h2>
<p>Above this paragraph should be the H2 heading for your web page. WordPress Themes use the h2 heading for various purposes. Logically, it should be either the post title or the first heading in the post content.</p>
<p>However, it is used all over WordPres
jekkilekki /
Last active June 11, 2022 22:17
New Website (WordPress) Helpers

New Website (WordPress) Helpers

These website building helpers are originally extracted from the WordPress TwentyTwenty Theme and are intended to provide easy access to some of the most common basic styles for a website.

This Gist will be occasionally updated with my own preferences for these styles. Files include the following:

File Purpose
ahmadawais / .zshrc
Last active January 18, 2016 14:40
ZSH: DesktopServer ZSH Setup
# WP DesktopServer Setup ready
# ---Updates the Core and 2015 theme
# ---Deletes 2013, 2014 and Aksimet
# Usage
# 1. First argument is the url E.g.
# 2. Second argument is the Site Title E.g. AA
# Example:
# $ wpdsready SiteName
# ZSH, WPCLI should be installed.
function wpdsready() {