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Created August 21, 2017 07:01
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Dijkstra Implementation
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
public class Dijkstra {
public static func getShortestPath<T>(_ graph: Graph<T>, _ source: Node<T>, _ destination: Node<T>) -> [Node<T>] {
var frontier = [Path<T>]()
var possiblePaths = [Path<T>]()
var betterPath: Path<T>?
//Using the source edge to create the initial frontier
for eachEdge in graph.graphEdges where eachEdge.from == source {
let distance = Dijkstra.distanceBetweenTwoLocations(first: eachEdge.from.coordinate, second:
let newPath: Path<T> = Path(distance,nil,eachEdge.from,
//Adding a new Path to frontier
//Checking all adjacent nodes for source node. During this process frontier will grow
//and shrink
while frontier.count != 0 {
betterPath = Path()
var pathIndex: Int = 0
// Iterating over all the Paths of current frontier
for index in 0..<frontier.count {
let itemPath: Path<T> = frontier[index]
//If condition says either we have not found a better path at this point
//or current Path we are dealing with has better distance cost compared to current
//better path distance
if betterPath?.distance == 0 || itemPath.distance < (betterPath?.distance)! {
betterPath = itemPath
pathIndex = index
//Now we again determine what are the adjacent edges of the current better path
//destination node
for eachAdjacentEdgeOfCurrentBetter in graph.graphEdges where eachAdjacentEdgeOfCurrentBetter.from == betterPath?.destination {
//Calculating the distance of the fromNode and toNode of each of the adjacent
//edges of current better
let newDistance = Dijkstra.distanceBetweenTwoLocations(first: eachAdjacentEdgeOfCurrentBetter.from.coordinate, second:
//Creating reference for each new Path
let newPath: Path<T> = Path((betterPath!.distance + newDistance), betterPath, eachAdjacentEdgeOfCurrentBetter.from,
//Expanding the frontier by adding this new Path
//Preserving only those paths which have the chosen destination
if betterPath?.destination == destination {
//Removing the better path from frontier to keep things moving
frontier.remove(at: pathIndex)
//Sorting the List iof shortest paths
let sortedPath = possiblePaths.sorted(by: {firstPath, secondPath in
return firstPath.distance < secondPath.distance
let filteredSortedPath = sortedPath.filter({
$0.destination == destination
return getShortestPathNodes(filteredSortedPath[0], source)
//Calculates the distance between two CLLocations
private static func distanceBetweenTwoLocations(first firstLocation: CLLocation, second secondLocation: CLLocation) -> Double {
let distance = firstLocation.distance(from: secondLocation)
return (distance/100000).rounded()
//Walks the Path linked list backward to create an ordered collection of nodes
private static func getShortestPathNodes<T> (_ shortestPath: Path<T>?,_ source: Node<T>) -> [Node<T>]{
var temp = shortestPath
var shortestNodePath = [Node<T>]()
while temp != nil {
temp = temp?.previous
return shortestNodePath.reversed()
import Foundation
class Edge<T> where T: Equatable{
let from: Node<T>
let to: Node<T>
init(_ from: Node<T>,_ to: Node<T>) {
self.from = from = to
import Foundation
public class Graph<T> where T: Equatable {
var graphNodes: [Node<T>]
var graphEdges: [Edge<T>]
init(_ nodes: [Node<T>], _ edges: [Edge<T>]) {
self.graphNodes = nodes
self.graphEdges = edges
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
public class Node<T> where T: Equatable{
let identifier: T
let coordinate: CLLocation
init(_ id: T,_ coordinate: CLLocation) {
self.identifier = id
self.coordinate = coordinate
extension Node: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Node, rhs: Node) -> Bool {
guard lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier else {
return false
guard lhs.coordinate == rhs.coordinate else {
return false
return true
extension Node: Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return "\(identifier)".hashValue
extension Node: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return "\(identifier)"
import Foundation
public class Path<T> where T: Equatable {
let distance: Double
let previous: Path<T>?
let source: Node<T>?
let destination: Node<T>?
init(_ distance: Double, _ path: Path<T>? = nil,_ source: Node<T>,_ destination: Node<T>) {
self.distance = distance
self.previous = path
self.source = source
self.destination = destination
init() {
self.distance = 0
self.source = nil
self.destination = nil
self.previous = nil
extension Path: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return "\(String(describing: source)) : \(String(describing: destination)) : \(String(describing: distance)))"
import XCTest
import CoreLocation
@testable import Dijkstra_ShortestPath
class Dijkstra_ShortestPathTests: XCTestCase {
var node_1: Node<Int>!
var node_4: Node<Int>!
var node_6: Node<Int>!
var node_3: Node<Int>!
var node_9: Node<Int>!
var node_15: Node<Int>!
var edge_1_4: Edge<Int>!
var edge_1_6: Edge<Int>!
var edge_4_6: Edge<Int>!
var edge_4_3: Edge<Int>!
var edge_6_9: Edge<Int>!
var edge_3_9: Edge<Int>!
var edge_3_15: Edge<Int>!
var edge_9_15: Edge<Int>!
var graph: Graph<Int>!
var shortestNodePath: [Node<Int>]!
//Test setup
override func setUp() {
node_1 = Node(1, CLLocation(latitude: 37.2, longitude: 22.9))
node_4 = Node(4, CLLocation(latitude: 25.8, longitude: 18.7))
node_6 = Node(6, CLLocation(latitude: 34.2, longitude: 39.8))
node_3 = Node(3, CLLocation(latitude: 19.5, longitude: 29.3))
node_9 = Node(9, CLLocation(latitude: 12.8, longitude: 27.8))
node_15 = Node(15, CLLocation(latitude: 39.0, longitude: 49.8))
edge_1_4 = Edge(node_1, node_4)
edge_1_6 = Edge(node_1, node_6)
edge_4_6 = Edge(node_4, node_6)
edge_4_3 = Edge(node_4, node_3)
edge_6_9 = Edge(node_6, node_9)
edge_3_9 = Edge(node_3, node_9)
edge_3_15 = Edge(node_3, node_15)
edge_9_15 = Edge(node_9, node_15)
let nodeList: [Node<Int>] = [node_1,node_4,node_6,node_3,node_9,node_15]
let edgeList: [Edge<Int>] = [edge_1_4,edge_1_6,edge_4_6,edge_4_3,edge_6_9,edge_3_9,edge_3_15,edge_9_15]
graph = Graph(nodeList, edgeList)
shortestNodePath = [node_1,node_4,node_3,node_15]
override func tearDown() {
print("Nothing to tear down...")
//Test function for the Dijkstra Shortest Path implementation
func testDijkstraShortestPath(){
XCTAssertEqual(Dijkstra.getShortestPath(graph, node_1, node_15), shortestNodePath)
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