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Last active December 23, 2015 19:40
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import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ReactTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-transition-group'
import TransitionWrapper from './transition-wrapper'
// Page component imports
import AppContainer from './views/app-container';
import SomePage from './views/some-page';
import SomeOtherPage from './views/some-other-page';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { Router, Route } from 'react-router';
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory';
import { syncReduxAndRouter } from 'redux-simple-router';
// React components for Redux DevTools
import {DevTools, DebugPanel, LogMonitor} from 'redux-devtools/lib/react';
// importing store
import store from './store';
const history = createBrowserHistory();
// Define routes as JSX objects with a path and component(s).
// Plural components arg passes in props containing JSX to root route component.
// There must be a single root route component.
var transitionWrap = (component) => {
return () => {
<TransitionWrapper transitionName={ component }>
{ React.createElement(component, { key: history.createKey() } ) }
var routeHash = [
{ path: "some-page", component: SomePage },
{ path: "some-other-page", component: SomeOtherPage }
var routes =
(<Route path="/" key={ history.createKey() } component={AppContainer}>
{ (obj, i) => {
return( <Route key={ history.createKey() } path={ obj.path } components={{ content: transitionWrap(obj.component) }} /> )
} )
// Boilerplate, but the most important line in the router--links browser history
// to redux store.
// Must appear before DOM rendering.
syncReduxAndRouter(history, store);
var key = store.getState().routing.path.replace("/", '');
// Rendering needs a nest of Provider->Router->Route...
// DebugPanel with (redux) DevTools is also included.
var debug = true;
<Provider store={store}>
<TransitionWrapper component="span" className="transition-group"
store={store} history={history}>
<Router history={history}>
{ routes }
{debug ?
<DebugPanel top right bottom>
<DevTools store={store} monitor={LogMonitor}/>
: null
import React from 'react';
import ReactTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-transition-group';
class TransitionWrapper extends ReactTransitionGroup{
render() {
console.log( + ' render');
return this.props.children;
componentWillAppear (callback) {
console.log( + ' willappear');
componentDidAppear () {
console.log( + ' didappear');
componentWillEnter (callback) {
console.log( + ' willenter');
componentDidEnter() {
console.log( + ' didenter');
componentWillLeave (callback) {
console.log( + ' willleave');
componentDidLeave() {
console.log( + ' didleave');
export default TransitionWrapper;
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