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Created November 23, 2021 14:04
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JSON Patch to MongoDB Patch
* NOTE: This algorithm only works for Mongodb version 4.2 where aggregate queries were introduced.
const ZERO = 0,
ONE = 1,
unescape = (str) => str.replace(/~1/g, '/').replace(/~0/g, '~'),
parse = (pointer) => {
if (pointer === '') { return []; }
if (pointer.charAt(ZERO) !== '/') { throw new Error(`Invalid JSON pointer: ${pointer}`); }
return pointer.substring(ONE).split(/\//).map(unescape);
{ isEmpty } = require('./nodash');
module.exports = {
toMongo (patches) {
const update = {},
arrayUpdates = new Map(),
aggregates = [];
// For each of the patched
patches.forEach(({ op, path, value }) => {
// Get the object accessor array
const parts = parse(path),
// Detect if the path is an array or not,
// It will be an array if the last element is a number or -
isArray = (/^(([1-9]\d*)|0|-)$/).test(parts.slice(-ONE).pop());
if (isArray) {
const pa = parts.slice(ZERO, -ONE).join('.'),
i = parts.slice(-ONE).pop();
if (i === '-') {
throw new Error('Unbounded array operations are not supported');
arrayUpdates.has(pa) ?
arrayUpdates.get(pa).push({ i: parseInt(i, 10), op, value }) :
arrayUpdates.set(pa, [
{ i: parseInt(i, 10), op, value }
switch (op) {
case 'add':
case 'replace':
update.$set = { ...update.$set, [parts.join('.')]: value };
case 'remove': {
const key = parts.join('.');
update.$unset = {
[key]: ''
arrayUpdates.forEach((ops, path) => {
// We will have a bunch of replace operations with some remove or adds at the end
const replaceOps = ops.filter(({ op }) => op === 'replace'),
removeOps = ops.filter(({ op }) => op === 'remove'),
addOps = ops.filter(({ op }) => op === 'add');
// Now we have these different situations
// 1. Only adds
// 2. Only removes
// 3. Only replace
// 4. Replace with add (array size increased)
// 5. Replace with remove (array size decreased)
if (!removeOps.length) {
update.$set = [
].reduce((acc, { i, value }) => {
acc[`${path}.${i}`] = value;
return acc;
}, update.$set || {});
else {
// Things become very complicated here. But we can we certain that there will be
// no add operations here. We will have a bunch of replaces and then some removes
// Create splices of each replace and remove operation
const updates = [
].sort((a, b) => a.i - b.i).reduce((acc, { i, value = null }) => {
// If it is a consecutive number then push to the last injected value
if ( === i) {
!i ?
]) :
acc.arr[acc.arr.length - ONE].push(value);
else {
$slice: [
} = i + ONE;
return acc;
}, { li: 0, arr: [] });
// If there are some updates then perform them
$set: {
[path]: {
$concatArrays: [
$slice: [
{ $size: `$${path}` }
$addFields: {
[path]: {
$filter: {
input: `$${path}`,
as: 'd',
cond: {
$ne: [
return aggregates.length ?
(isEmpty(update) ?
[] :
]).concat(aggregates) :
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