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Satnam Singh satnam6502

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satnam6502 / ListApps.go
Created January 8, 2016 08:43
Go program for listing apps on an Android device
package main
import (
satnam6502 / serve-hostnames-ex1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Experiments for serve_hostnames soak test
I0321 21:34:20.603305 22897 serve_hostnames.go:53] Starting serve_hostnames soak test with queries=10000 and perNode=30 upTo=100
I0321 21:34:21.217231 22897 serve_hostnames.go:78] Nodes found on this cluster:
I0321 21:34:21.217270 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 0: kubernetes-minion-08vl.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217276 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 1: kubernetes-minion-14sw.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217280 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 2: kubernetes-minion-16y7.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217284 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 3: kubernetes-minion-1xeu.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217287 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 4: kubernetes-minion-2y1m.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217291 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 5: kubernetes-minion-37uc.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217295 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 6: kubernetes-minion-3gif.c.kubernetes-scale.internal
I0321 21:34:21.217298 22897 serve_hostnames.go:80] 7: kubern
satnam6502 / gist:a2cd2b5e12b99065c8e9
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Doing resize with Kubernetes v.0.9.2
satnam@satnam-linux:~/kubernetes$ cluster/ get replicationControllers
Running: cluster/../cluster/gce/../../platforms/linux/amd64/kubectl get replicationControllers
elasticsearch-logging-controller elasticsearch-logging dockerfile/elasticsearch name=elasticsearch-logging 1
kibana-logging-controller kibana-logging kubernetes/kibana:1.0 name=kibana-logging 1
monitoring-heapsterController heapster kubernetes/heapster:v0.6 name=heapster 1
monitoring-influxGrafanaController influxdb kubernetes/heapster_influxdb:v0.3 name=influxGrafana 1
grafana kubernetes/heapster_grafana:v0.3
skydns etcd
satnam6502 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Error tearing down big cluster
satnam@satnam:~/gocode/src/$ cluster/
Bringing down cluster using provider: gce
Project: kubernetes-satnam (autodetected from gcloud config)
Project: kubernetes-satnam (autodetected from gcloud config)
Bringing down cluster
INFO: Enabling auto-delete on kubernetes-master (kubernetes-master).
INFO: Waiting for delete of route kubernetes-minion-4. Sleeping for 3s.
INFO: Waiting for delete of firewall kubernetes-master-https. Sleeping for 3s.
INFO: Waiting for delete of route kubernetes-minion-10. Sleeping for 3s.
INFO: Waiting for delete of route kubernetes-minion-3. Sleeping for 3s.
satnam6502 / cluster_fail.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
2014-11-19 Cluster creation failure
Table of operations:
| name | status | insert-time | operation-type |
| operation-1416440235899-5083eb11b3879-961e8f1c-0913f3fc | DONE | 2014-11-19T15:37:16.008-08:00 | insert |
Error: Internal Error
INFO: Waiting for insert of instance kubernetes-master. Sleeping for 3s.
INFO: Waiting for insert of instance kubernetes-minion-3. Sleeping for 3s.
satnam6502 / transcript.txt
Created November 14, 2014 01:31
Problem doing vagrant up with Kubernetes on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine
satnam@satnam:~/gocode/src/$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'master' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'minion-1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'minion-2' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'minion-3' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> master: Box 'fedora20' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
master: Box Provider: virtualbox
master: Box Version: >= 0
==> master: Adding box 'fedora20' (v0) for provider: virtualbox
master: Downloading:
satnam6502 / error.txt
Created November 8, 2014 20:49
Error creating Kubernetes cluster on GCE
The user name and password to use is located in ~/.kubernetes_auth.
F1108 12:47:50.147871 12630 kubecfg.go:436] Failed to print: template: output:1:7: executing "output" at <.items>: items is not a field of struct type *api.MinionList
Raw received object:
&api.MinionList{TypeMeta:api.TypeMeta{Kind:"", APIVersion:""}, ListMeta:api.ListMeta{SelfLink:"/api/v1beta1/minions", ResourceVersion:""}, Items:[]api.Minion{api.Minion{TypeMeta:api.TypeMeta{Kind:"", APIVersion:""}, ObjectMeta:api.ObjectMeta{Name:"kubernetes-minion-1.c.kubernetes-elk.internal", Namespace:"", SelfLink:"/api/v1beta1/minions/kubernetes-minion-1.c.kubernetes-elk.internal", UID:"", ResourceVersion:"7", CreationTimestamp:util.Time{Time:time.Time{sec:63551076437, nsec:0x0, loc:(*time.Location)(0xa98e80)}}, Labels:map[string]string(nil), Annotations:map[string]string(nil)}, HostIP:"", NodeResources:api.NodeResources{Capacity:api.ResourceList{"memory":util.IntOrString{Kind:0, IntVal:4026531840, StrVal:""}, "cpu":util.IntOrString{Kind:0, IntVal:1000,
satnam6502 / cluster_working.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Transcript of a successful Kubernetes cluster creation on Google Compute Engine
$ cluster/
Starting cluster using provider: gce
... calling verify-prereqs
... calling kube-up
Project: kubernetes-satnam2
Zone: us-central1-b
+++ Staging server tars to Google Storage: gs://kubernetes-staging-a2dc4/devel
current-context: "kubernetes-satnam2_kubernetes"
Running: cluster/../cluster/gce/../../cluster/../cluster/gce/../../_output/dockerized/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl config view -o template --template={{$dot := .}}{{with $ctx := index $dot "current-context"}}{{$user := index $dot "contexts" $ctx "user"}}{{index $dot "users" $user "auth-path"}}{{end}}
Starting VMs and configuring firewalls
satnam6502 / boot2docker_upgrade_v1.3.1_attempt.txt
Created November 6, 2014 05:33
Problems upgrading to Boot2Docker v1.3.1
bash-3.2$ boot2docker stop
bash-3.2$ boot2docker download
Latest release for boot2docker/boot2docker is v1.3.1
Downloading boot2docker ISO image...
Success: downloaded
to /Users/satnam/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso
bash-3.2$ boot2docker start
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start...