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Created December 26, 2010 17:14
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use strict;
use warnings;
use URI;
use Web::Scraper;
use Net::Twitter;
use Config::Pit;
use DateTime;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
use File::Basename;
use File::Slurp;
use XML::Simple;
use Image::Magick;
#### ツイートを取得 ##############################
my $config = pit_get("", require => {
"username" => "your username on",
"consumer_key" => "your consumer_key on",
"consumer_secret" => "your consumer_secret on",
"access_token" => "your access_token on",
"access_token_secret" => "your token_secret on"
my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(
traits => [qw/OAuth API::REST/],
consumer_key => $config->{consumer_key},
consumer_secret => $config->{consumer_secret},
access_token => $config->{access_token},
access_token_secret => $config->{access_token_secret},
my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Asia/Tokyo' );
$dt->subtract( days => 1 );
my $statuses = $nt->user_timeline({ since => $dt,
count => '200',
id => $config->{username} });
my @urls;
for my $status (@$statuses) {
if( $status->{text} =~ /(http:\/\/\/.+)/
&& $status->{text} !~ /RT(\s*)@/ ) {
push(@urls, $1);
if( @urls == 0 ) {
print "No new upload image to\n";
#### インスタグラムのページをスクレイピング ##############
my @photos;
print "### Download Photos ###\n";
for my $url (@urls) {
my $instagram = scraper {
process ".photo", link => '@src';
my $res = $instagram->scrape(URI->new($url));
# ファイルをダウンロードする
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $file = basename($res->{link});
if( -e $file ) {
print "Download skip : $file\n";
else {
$ua->mirror($res->{link}, $file);
print "Downloaded : $file\n";
push(@photos, $file);
# リサイズ
my @r_photos;
my $th_x = 600;
my $th_y = 600;
my $im = Image::Magick->new;
for my $photo (@photos) {
my ($x, $y) = $im->Get('width', 'height');
if( $x >= $th_x && $y >= $th_y ) {
$im->Resize( width => $x / 2, height => $y / 2 );
$im->Write( filename => "r_$photo" );
push(@r_photos, "r_$photo");
else {
push(@r_photos, $photo);
###### mixiに画像をアップロード #######################
my $config2 = pit_get("", require => {
"mailaddress" => "your mailaddress on",
"password" => "your password on"
my $ua2 = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua2->credentials('', '',
my $res2 = $ua2->get('');
die "Album Info can't get... : $res2->status_line\n" if $res2->is_error;
## アップロードするアルバムIDを取得
## 事前に'instagram'というアルバムを作成しておく
my $ref2 = XMLin($res2->content);
my $href;
my $title;
foreach my $c (@{$ref2->{workspace}->{collection}}) {
$title = encode_utf8($c->{'atom:title'});
if( ($title eq 'instagram') && ($c->{accept} eq 'image/jpeg') ) {
$href = $c->{href};
die "Album not found...\n" . $title unless defined($href);
## 画像をアップロード
print "### Upload Photos ###\n";
foreach my $r_image (@r_photos) {
# アップロードするファイル
my $f = read_file($r_image, binmode => ":raw");
my $r = $ua2->post($href,
'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg',
'content' => join "", $f);
if( $r->is_success ) {
print "Upload done! : $r_image\n";
else {
print "Upload failed... : $r_image\;n";
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