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Created April 5, 2020 02:41
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import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil
import com.xwray.groupie.GroupieViewHolder
import com.xwray.groupie.Item
abstract class DiffCallbackItem<T, VH : GroupieViewHolder>(
private val data: T,
private val callback: DiffUtil.ItemCallback<T>
) : Item<VH>() {
override fun isSameAs(other: Item<*>): Boolean {
if (viewType != other.viewType) {
return false
val otherData = other.getOtherData() ?: return false
return callback.areItemsTheSame(otherData, data)
override fun hasSameContentAs(other: Item<*>): Boolean {
val otherData = other.getOtherData() ?: return false
return callback.areContentsTheSame(otherData, data)
override fun getChangePayload(newItem: Item<*>?): Any? {
val newData = newItem?.getOtherData() ?: return null
return callback.getChangePayload(data, newData)
private fun Item<*>.getOtherData(): T? {
val other = this
if (other !is DiffCallbackItem<*, *>) return null
return as? T
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