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Created October 25, 2017 13:38
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Clojure spec for push state
(s/def ::tag integer?)
(def instructions
(into #{}
(for [s ["integer" "float"]
o ["add"
(keyword (str s "_" o))))
(into #{}
(for [s ["exec" "integer" "float" "boolean" "string" "char"]
o ["pop"
(keyword (str s "_" o))))
(s/def ::instruction instructions)
(s/def ::float float?)
(s/def ::string string?)
(s/def ::integer integer?)
(s/def ::boolean boolean?)
(s/def ::char char?)
(s/def ::item
:req [(or ::instruction
(s/def ::push-program
:req [(or ::item ::push-program)])))
(s/def ::close integer?)
(s/def ::silent boolean?)
(s/def ::uuid string?)
(s/def ::plush-gene
(s/keys :req [::item ::close ::silent ::random-insertion ::uuid]))
(s/def ::plush-genome (s/coll-of ::plush-gene))
(s/def ::exec-stack ::push-program)
(s/def ::genome-stack (s/coll-of ::plush-genome))
(s/def ::output-stack (s/coll-of string?))
(s/def ::string-stack (s/coll-of string?))
(s/def ::integer-stack (s/coll-of integer?))
(s/def ::boolean-stack (s/coll-of boolean?))
(s/def ::char-stack (s/coll-of char?))
(s/def ::input-stack (s/coll-of string?))
(s/def ::float-stack (s/coll-of float?))
(s/def ::tag-stack (s/map-of integer? ::item))
(s/def ::termination #{:abnormal :normal})
(s/def ::push-state
:req [::exec-stack
:opt [::termination]))
(def current-instructions
(into #{}
(map #(symbol (name %))
(s/def :current/instruction current-instructions)
(s/def :current/item
:instruction :current/instruction
:tag (s/and symbol? #(clojure.string/starts-with? (name %) "tag"))
::float ::float
::string ::string
::integer ::integer
::boolean ::boolean
::char ::char))
(s/def :current/push-program
(s/or :item :current/item
:push-program :current/push-program)))
(s/def :current.plush/instruction :current/item)
(s/def :current/uuid #(instance? java.util.UUID %))
(s/def :current/plush-gene
(s/keys :req-un [:current.plush/instruction ::close ::silent ::random-insertion :current/uuid]))
(s/def :current/plush-genome (s/coll-of :current/plush-gene))
(s/def :current/exec :current/push-program)
(s/def :current/float (s/nilable ::float-stack))
(s/def :current/output (s/nilable ::output-stack))
(s/def :current/string (s/nilable ::string-stack))
(s/def :current/genome (s/nilable (s/coll-of :current/plush-genome)))
(s/def :current/string (s/nilable ::string-stack))
(s/def :current/termination (s/nilable ::termination))
(s/def :current/tag (s/nilable (s/map-of integer? :current/item)))
(s/def :current/input (s/nilable ::input-stack))
(s/def :current/boolean (s/nilable ::boolean-stack))
(s/def :current/char (s/nilable ::char-stack))
(s/def :current/push-state
:req-un [:current/exec
:opt-un [:current/termination]))
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