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Saurabh saurabharora90

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saurabharora90 / lint-module-build.gradle
Last active July 29, 2019 15:54
Dark Theme Lint Checks
apply plugin: 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compileOnly "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
compileOnly ''
compileOnly ''
saurabharora90 / DirectColorUseIssue.kt
Last active July 29, 2019 16:04
Dark Theme Lint Checks
object DirectColorUseIssue {
private const val ID = "DirectColorUse"
private const val DESCRIPTION = "Color used directly"
const val EXPLANATION =
'''Avoid direct use of colors in XML files.
This will cause issues with different theme (dark-theme?) support'''
private val CATEGORY = Category.CORRECTNESS
private const val PRIORITY = 6
private val SEVERITY = Severity.WARNING
saurabharora90 / DirectColorUseDetector.kt
Last active July 29, 2019 16:25
Dark Theme Lint Checks
private const val BACKGROUND = "background"
private const val FOREGROUND = "foreground"
private const val SRC = "src"
private const val TEXT_COLOR = "textColor"
private const val TINT = "tint"
//Vector Drawables.
private const val FILL_COLOR = "fillColor"
private const val STROKE_COLOR = "strokeColor"
private const val COLOR = "color"
saurabharora90 / DarkThemeLintRegistry.kt
Created July 29, 2019 16:33
Dark Theme Lint Checks
class DarkThemeLintRegistry : IssueRegistry() {
override val issues: List<Issue>
get() = listOf(DirectColorUseIssue.ISSUE)
object MissingNightColorIssue {
private const val ID = "MissingNightColor"
private const val DESCRIPTION = "Night Color missing"
const val EXPLANATION =
'''Night color value for this color resource seems to be missing.
If your app supports dark theme, then you should add an equivalent color resource for it in the night values folder.'''
private val CATEGORY = Category.CORRECTNESS
private const val PRIORITY = 6
private val SEVERITY = Severity.WARNING
saurabharora90 / colors.xml
Last active August 3, 2019 09:06
Missing Night Color
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="colorPrimary">#008577</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryDark">#00574B</color>
<color name="colorAccent">#D81B60</color>
private const val COLOR = "color"
class MissingNightColorDetector : ResourceXmlDetector() {
private val nightModeColors = mutableListOf<String>()
private val regularColors = mutableMapOf<String, Location>()
override fun appliesTo(folderType: ResourceFolderType): Boolean {
return folderType == ResourceFolderType.VALUES
class DarkThemeLintRegistry : IssueRegistry() {
override val issues: List<Issue>
get() = listOf(
saurabharora90 / checkstyle-as.xml
Created February 25, 2020 17:02
CodeStyle Configuration to match Android Studio Defaults
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
"-//Checkstyle//DTD Checkstyle Configuration 1.3//EN"
<module name="Checker">
<property name="severity" value="warning" />
<property name="charset" value="UTF-8" />
<module name="FileTabCharacter">
interface ModuleInitializer {
/** Initializes a module given the application Context
* @return A Completable if the module needs the app to wait for its setup to complete before proceeding.
* If the module setup doesn't need an asynchronous setup, then it can simply return Completable.complete()
fun initialize(context: Context): Completable