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Last active March 10, 2017 13:46
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Example of a Twitter stream in Node.js
var express = require('express'),
router = express.Router(),
Stream = require('user-stream');
//Setup the twitter stream API, and provide your consumer and access tokens
const stream = new Stream({
consumer_key: process.env.CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret: process.env.CONSUMER_SECRET,
access_token_key: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY,
access_token_secret: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
//These will be the political parties to search for
const search_terms = ['VVD', 'MarkRutte',
'PvdA', 'PartijvandeArbeid', 'CDA', 'PVV', 'GeertWilders', 'SP',
'D66', 'ChristenUnie', 'CU', 'GL', 'GroenLinks',
'SGP', 'PVDD', 'PartijVoorDeDieren', '50PLUS', 'DENK'];
//for totalscores, let's rather work with full numbers
//than floats with lots of decimals. We will also only
//need 2 decimals.
var createNiceNumber = function(num){
var x = parseInt(num);
x = (num * 100).toFixed(2);
return x;
//extract all political parties from a tweet
var getAllMatches = function(text) {
var matches = [];
search_terms.forEach(function(term) {
var regex = `(?:${term})`;
var re = new RegExp(regex);
var result = re.exec(text);
if(result) matches.push(result[0]);
return matches;
//Once we get tweets, we want to make sure,
//they all get sorted based on the political party shortcode.
//We will extract all the political parties
//it will return an array.
var getParties = function(tweettxt){
var matches = getAllMatches(tweettxt);
//make sure we return the short notation of the party
if(matches[0] === "PartijvandeArbeid") matches[0] = "PvdA";
if(matches[0] === "ChristenUnie") matches[0] = "CU";
if(matches[0] === "GroenLinks") matches[0] = "GL";
if(matches[0] === "PartijVoorDeDieren") matches[0] = "PVDD";
if(matches[0] === "GeertWilders") matches[0] = "PVV";
if(matches[0] === "MarkRutte") matches[0] = "VVD";
return matches;
var openTwitterStream = function(){
//We will need to work with Regex, since we don't want to collect spam.
var regex ='', pRegex='';
for (term of search_terms) {
regex += `\\#${term}|\\@${term}|${term}\\s+|\\s+${term}|`
regex = regex.slice(0,regex.length-1);
var re = new RegExp(regex);
//We will only track tweets with the political parties as provided
//by the search_terms array. Also the language of the tweet needs
//to be Dutch.
var params = {
track: search_terms,
language: 'nl'
//this method will open the twitter stream;
stream.on('data', function(tweet) {
//Let's not collect return tweets, and tweets need to
//match our regular expression.
if (tweet.text.substring(0,2) != 'RT'
&& re.test(tweet.text)){
var parties = getParties(tweet.text);
//Tweets might not contain multiple parties.
//For the scope of this blogpost, we will ignore tweets
//that talk about multiple parties.
if(parties.length > 1) return;
var row = {
text: tweet.text,
created: (parseInt(tweet.timestamp_ms)/1000),
coordinates: tweet.coordinates,
party: parties[0],
score: createNiceNumber(sentiment.documentSentiment.score),
magnitude: createNiceNumber(sentiment.documentSentiment.magnitude),
hashtags: entities
stream.on('error', function(error) {
//router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
// res.send('Stream is open, watch your terminal.');
module.exports = router;
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