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Last active May 1, 2018 16:44
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<div id="root"></div>
const calcMain = (key, ...que) => {
const calc = {};
// handle next key press after equal
if(/=/.test(que[que.length - 2])) {
// if operation continue calculating
if(/[\+\-x÷]/.test(key)) {
que = [que[que.length - 1]]
// if anything else, start over
} else {
que = [];
// Determine calc.que
const number = /\d/.test(key);
if (number) calc.que = keyNumber(key, ...que);
const operation = /[\+\-x÷]/.test(key);
if (operation) calc.que = keyOperation(key, ...que);
const equal = /=/.test(key);
if (equal) calc.que = keyEqual(key, ...que);
const allClear = /AC/.test(key);
if (allClear) calc.que = keyAllClear();
const clear = /^C/.test(key);
if (clear) calc.que = keyClear(...que);
const dot = /\./.test(key);
if (dot) calc.que = keyDot(key, ...que);
const percent = /%/.test(key);
if (percent) calc.que = keyPercent(key, ...que);
// Determine calc.result
if (calc.que.length === 0) {
calc.result = '0';
} else if (calc.que[calc.que.length - 1] === 'Divide by zero error!') {
calc.result = 'ERROR';
} else {
calc.result = lastNumber(...calc.que);
// Determine calc.displayQue
if (calc.result === 'ERROR') {
calc.displayQue = calc.que[calc.que.length - 1];
} else {
calc.displayQue = calc.que.join('').slice(-24);
// return calc object
return calc;
// returns last string that is a 'number' in an array
// this will always return what should be displayed as result
const lastNumber = (...que) => que.filter(n => /\d/.test(n)).pop();
const keyNumber = (key, ...que) => {
// Que conditions
const emptyQue = que.length === 0;
const lastElement = que.length - 1;
const lastElementNumber = /[\d\.]/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementOnlyZero = /^0$/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementOperation = /[\+\-x÷]/.test(que[lastElement]);
let queLengthLessTen;
? (queLengthLessTen = true)
: (queLengthLessTen = que[lastElement].length < 10);
if (queLengthLessTen) {
if (emptyQue || lastElementOperation) {
} else if (lastElementOnlyZero) {
} else if (lastElementNumber) {
const newNumber = que.pop().concat(key);
return que;
const keyOperation = (key, ...que) => {
//Que Conditions
const lastElement = que.length - 1;
const lastElementNumber = /[\d\.]/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementEndDot = /\.$/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementPercent = /%/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementOperation = /[\+\-x÷]/.test(que[lastElement]);
if (lastElementEndDot) {
var numberDot = que.pop();
numberDot = numberDot.replace(/\.$/, '');
if (lastElementNumber || lastElementPercent) {
if (lastElementOperation) {
return que;
const keyEqual = (key, ...que) => {
//Que Conditions
const elementCount3Plus = que.length >= 3;
const lastElement = que.length - 1;
const lastElementNumber = /[\d\.]/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementEndDot = /\.$/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementPercent = /%/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementOperation = /[\+\-x÷]/.test(que[lastElement]);
if (elementCount3Plus) {
if (lastElementEndDot) {
var numberDot = que.pop();
numberDot = numberDot.replace(/\.$/, '');
if (lastElementNumber || lastElementPercent) {
if (lastElementOperation) {
return que;
const calculateResult = (...que) => {
// Handle %
let percentResult = handlePercent(...que);
// Handle x & ÷
let timesDivideResult = [];
try {
timesDivideResult = handleTimesDivide(...percentResult);
} catch (error) {
timesDivideResult = [error.message];
if (timesDivideResult[0] === 'Divide by zero error!')
return timesDivideResult[0];
// Handle + & -
que = handlePlusMinus(...timesDivideResult);
return display(que[0]);
const display = result => {
let resultStr = '';
// to prevent numbers like 9999999999 from being rounded to 10000000000
if (result > 999999999 && result < 10000000000) {
resultStr = result.toString();
resultStr = resultStr.slice(0, 10);
// to handle all other cases
} else {
let digits = 9;
resultStr = result.toPrecision(digits);
while (resultStr.length > 10) {
digits -= 1;
resultStr = result.toPrecision(digits);
// get rid of unneeded zeros in scientific notation
resultStr = resultStr.replace(/.0+e/, 'e');
return +resultStr > 9999999999
? resultStr.toString()
: (+resultStr).toString();
const handlePercent = (...que) => {
while (que.findIndex(elem => /%/.test(elem)) !== -1) {
const index = que.findIndex(elem => /%/.test(elem));
que[index - 1] = percentNumber(que[index - 1], que[index - 2]);
que[index - 2] = percentOperator(que[index - 2]);
que.splice(index, 1);
return que;
const percentNumber = (number, operator) => {
number = number / 100;
if (/\+/.test(operator)) {
number += 1;
} else if (/\-/.test(operator)) {
number = 1 - number;
return number;
const percentOperator = operator => (/[\+\-]/.test(operator) ? 'x' : operator);
const handleTimesDivide = (...que) => {
while (que.findIndex(elem => /[x÷]/.test(elem)) !== -1) {
const index = que.findIndex(elem => /[x÷]/.test(elem));
if (
(que[index + 1] === '0' || que[index + 1] === 0) &&
) {
throw new Error('Divide by zero error!');
const func = /x/.test(que[index]) ? (x, y) => x * y : (x, y) => x / y;
const result = func(+que[index - 1], +que[index + 1]);
que.splice(index - 1, 3, result);
return que;
const handlePlusMinus = (...que) => {
while (que.findIndex(elem => /\s[\+\-]\s/.test(elem)) !== -1) {
const index = que.findIndex(elem => /\s[\+\-]\s/.test(elem));
const func = /\+/.test(que[index]) ? (x, y) => x + y : (x, y) => x - y;
const result = func(+que[index - 1], +que[index + 1]);
que.splice(index - 1, 3, result);
return que;
const keyAllClear = () => {
return [];
const keyClear = (...que) => {
return que;
const keyDot = (key, ...que) => {
//Que Conditions
const emptyQue = que.length === 0;
const lastElement = que.length - 1;
const lastElementOperation = /[\+\-x÷]/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementNumber = /[\d\.]/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementHasDot = /\./.test(que[lastElement]);
if (emptyQue || lastElementOperation) {
} else if (lastElementNumber && !lastElementHasDot) {
const newNumber = que.pop().concat(key);
return que;
const keyPercent = (key, ...que) => {
//Que Conditions
const elementCount3Plus = que.length >= 3;
const lastElement = que.length - 1;
const lastElementNumber = /[\d\.]/.test(que[lastElement]);
const lastElementEndDot = /\.$/.test(que[lastElement]);
if (elementCount3Plus && lastElementNumber) {
if (lastElementEndDot) {
var numberDot = que.pop();
numberDot = numberDot.replace(/\.$/, '');
return que;
class Calculator extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
keys: ['AC', 'C', '%', ' ÷ ', '7', '8', '9', ' x ', '4', '5', '6', ' - ', '1', '2', '3', ' + ', '0', '.', ' = '],
result: 0,
que: [],
displayQue: []
handleClick = (key) => {
const { que } = this.state;
const calc = calcMain(key, ...que);
result: calc.result,
que: calc.que,
displayQue: calc.displayQue
handleKeyDown = (event) => {
const pressed = ['Escape', 'Delete', 'a', 'A', 'Backspace', 'c', 'C', 'Enter', '=', '+', '-', '*', '/', 'p', 'P'];
const sent = ['AC', 'AC', 'AC', 'AC', 'C', 'C', 'C', ' = ', ' = ', ' + ', ' - ', ' x ', ' ÷ ', '%', '%'];
let key = '';
if(pressed.indexOf(event.key) !== -1) {
key = sent[pressed.indexOf(event.key)];
if(/[0-9\.%]/.test(event.key)) {
key = event.key;
if (key !== '') this.handleClick(key);
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown);
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown);
render() {
<div className='calculatorApp'>
<div className="topLeft"></div><div className="top"></div><div className="topRight"></div>
<div className="left"></div>
<div className="calculator">
<Label />
<Screen result={this.state.result} que={this.state.displayQue} />
<Keypad onClick={this.handleClick} keys={this.state.keys} />
<div className="right"></div>
<div className="bottomLeft"></div><div className="bottom"></div><div className="bottomRight"></div>
<h3>Designed & Coded by <a href="" target="_blank">Scott A. Price</a></h3>
const Label = () => {
<p className='label'>Digital Calculator</p>
const Screen = props => {
<div className='screen'>
<Result result={props.result}/>
<Que que={props.que} />
const Result = ({ result }) => {
<p className='result'>{result}</p>
const Que = ({ que }) => {
<p className='que'>{que}</p>
const Keypad = props => {
handleClick = key => {
keys = => {
<Key onClick={handleClick} name={key} />
<div className='keypad'>{keys}</div>
const Key = props => {
const { name } = props;
handleClick = () => {
let className = 'key';
if(/C/.test(name)) {
className = 'key clear';
} else if(/\+/.test(name)) {
className = 'key twoRows';
} else if(/\d|\./.test(name)) {
className = 'key number';
<button onClick={handleClick} className={className} ><span>{name}</span></button>
<Calculator />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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span {
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height: 100px;
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padding: 0 10px 10px;
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height: 495px;
padding-top: 0;
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font-size: 30px;
h3 {
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