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Sebastian Good scagood

  • Hartley Wintney, UK
  • 22:55 (UTC)
View GitHub Profile
"extends": "../../tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"rootDir": "./src",
"declarationDir": "./types"
"files": [
"include": [
scagood /
Created October 17, 2024 12:34
My screenshot shortcuts for spectacle
# All
spectacle -f -b -n -c -o "$HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/Desktop/$(TZ=UTC date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ).jpg"
# Monitor
spectacle -m -b -n -c -o "$HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/Monitor/$(TZ=UTC date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ).jpg"
# Window
spectacle -m -b -n -c -o "$HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/Window/$(TZ=UTC date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ).jpg"
# Area
scagood / find-executing-file.js
Created August 28, 2024 21:14
Find the file that was executed in a node program
const { normalize, join } = require('node:path');
* @returns {string}
function findExecutingFile() {
// This is covered in the 'package-eval' tests. Jest just does not know that...
/* istanbul ignore next */
return normalize(
// This is present for `type: commonjs` after startup


This will script will do a few things

  1. It will create a toggle able transparent box around the element you're hovering over.
  2. When control is held (with /flamencist/SelectorGenerator included) and an element is clicked a pop-up of the CSS-selector of the element you clicked on will show.
  3. This hover outline effect can be toggled using scroll lock on your keyboard.


Simply include:

scagood / domMonitor.js
Created January 29, 2018 16:43
Monitor the DOM for the creation of specific tags (Not sure what this can be used for... but hey!)
const domMonitor = function (tagname, eventname, options) {
tagname = tagname.trim().toLowerCase();
eventname = eventname.trim();
options = options || {};
const property = || 'outline-color';
const propertyFrom = || '#fff';
const propertyTo = || '#000';
const evn = new Event(eventname, {
scagood /
Created January 29, 2018 16:18
iframe message events attached to the iframe, not the window

Attach message events to iframe elements


Very simply copy/download and include iframe.message.js into your document, then start attatching event listeners.

Example inclusions:

<script src="iframe.message.js"></script>


scagood / getArgs.js
Created January 26, 2018 12:10
Provides a simple function to get the arguments of a function
function getArgs(func) {
* Basic function regex
* - /^function\s*\w*\(([\w\W]*?)\)\s*{/
* Arrow function regex
* - /^([^()]*)\s*=>/
* - /^\(([\w\W]*?)\)\s*=>/
* */
scagood / cssPath.js
Created January 25, 2018 12:55
A simple function to get the CSS style path of an element.
const cssPath = (function () {
function tagUnique(l) {
const es = []
e => e !== l
return -1 === [], e => e.tagName)
scagood / Escaped Quote
Last active January 17, 2018 10:00
Match quotes inside strings. Images generated with (

Escaped Quote Matcher

This is a javascript function that matches quotes while disregarding all escaped quotes.


outputArray = matchQuotes(
scagood / Node Version Manager for Windows .md
Last active January 17, 2018 10:01
A basic node version manager for windows

NVM windows ish

This will download and symlink to a specified nodejs version.


The batch file is dependent on both 7zip and curl, these are automatically downloaded (regardless of if they're already installed).

To install simply download the batch file, and add the NodeJS and nvm 'directories' to the %path% enviromnment variable. In my case my path became: %path%;%appdata%\nodejs;%appdata%\nvm