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Created April 26, 2014 16:47
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import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtConstructor;
import javassist.CtField;
import javassist.CtMethod;
import javassist.CtNewConstructor;
import javassist.CtNewMethod;
import javassist.Modifier;
import javassist.bytecode.AnnotationsAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.ClassFile;
import javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation;
* For testing EJBs with Arquillian, {@link EjbMocker} creates a new class type
* of an EJB with no-interface view. The behavior of the EJB can be completely
* controlled by Mockito: every method of the deployed EJB is forwared to an
* embedded shadow Mockito instance with the same method signature. The EJB acts
* only as a facade for Mockito.
* Define your @Deployment method like <blockquote>
* <pre>
* &#064;RunWith(Arquillian.class)
* class JsfIntegrationTest {
* public static WebArchive addControllableEjbFacade(WebArchive archive, String clazzName) throws Exception {
* // Adds the facade/mock combination of given EJB class name as
* // {@link ByteArrayAsset} to the web archive
* archive.add(
* new ByteArrayAsset(EjbMockerBuilder.create(clazzName).suppressExceptions(true)
* .ignoreMethod(&quot;getRepository&quot;).stream()), &quot;WEB-INF/classes/&quot; + clazzName.replace('.', '/')
* + &quot;.class&quot;);
* return archive;
* }
* &#064;Deployment
* public static WebArchive createDeployment() throws Exception {
* WebArchive r = ShrinkWrap
* .create(WebArchive.class)
* // Mockito is required inside the deployment
* .addAsLibraries(
* Maven.resolver().resolve(&quot;org.mockito:mockito-all:jar:1.8.5&quot;).withTransitivity().asFile())
* .addClass(JsfControllerBeanWhichUsesEjbViewOnly.class)
* .addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, &quot;beans.xml&quot;);
* addControllableEjbFacade(r, &quot;;);
* return r;
* }
* // EJB must be used with mappedName; Inject doesn't work
* &#064;EJB(mappedName = &quot;java:module/EjbViewOnly&quot;)
* EjbViewOnly ejbViewOnly;
* &#064;Test
* public void EJB_behavior_can_be_influend() throws Exception {
* assertNotNull(ejbViewOnly);
* // retrieve the embedded mock from EJB
* EjbViewOnly embeddedMock = EjbMocker.getEmbeddedMock(ejbViewOnly, EjbViewOnly.class);
* assertNotNull(embeddedMock);
* // embedded mock has the same type as the facade
* assertTrue(embeddedMock instanceof EjbViewOnly);
* when(embeddedMock.someMethod(org.mockito.Matchers.anyLong(1L))).thenReturn(&quot;It works&quot;);
* assertEquals(&quot;It works&quot;, ejbViewOnly.someMethod(1L));
* }
* }
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* @author Christopher Klein; christopher[dot]klein[at]neos-it[dot]de
public class EjbMocker {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EjbMocker.class.getName());
* Name of field in the enriched EJB which contains the embedded mocked
* instance
public final static String TARGET_FIELD_MOCK = "__mock__";
* Name of method to access the mocked interface. Every access to
* {@value #MOCK_ACCESSOR} ensures that the mocked instance is initialized.
public final static String MOCK_ACCESSOR = "__getMock__";
* Exclude exceptions from source EJB methods
private boolean suppressExceptions = false;
* Methods with given name will not be copied from source EJB
private List<String> ignoreMethods = new ArrayList<String>();
* Name of source EJB
protected String sourceClazz;
protected ClassPool cp = new ClassPool();
* Simple fluent interface for building new mocked EJBs
* @author ckl
public static class EjbMockerBuilder {
private EjbMocker instance;
* Creates a new builder instance
* @param sourceClazz
* name of EJB source class
* @return
public static EjbMockerBuilder create(String sourceClazz) {
return new EjbMockerBuilder(sourceClazz);
public EjbMockerBuilder(String sourceClazz) {
this.instance = new EjbMocker(sourceClazz);
* Suppress exceptions of source methods
* @param suppress
* @return
public EjbMockerBuilder suppressExceptions(boolean suppress) {
return this;
* Ingore method with given name; TODO: check method signature for
* overloaded messages
* @param method
* @return
public EjbMockerBuilder ignoreMethod(String method) {
return this;
* Creates the EJB facade
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Class<?> create() throws Exception {
return instance.create();
* Creates the byte stream of the EJB facade
* @return
* @throws Exception
public byte[] stream() throws Exception {
return instance.createCtClass().toBytecode();
* Returns the embedded Mockito instance from the facade. This mehod is
* needed because we can not work with interface methods.
* @param anyMockedEjb
* the EJB which has been enriched
* @param clazz
* class type
* @return
* @throws Exception
* should only occur if anyMockedEjb has not been enriched by us
public static <T> T getEmbeddedMock(Object anyMockedEjb, Class<T> clazz) throws Exception {
assert anyMockedEjb != null;
Object embeddedMock;
try {
Method getMock = anyMockedEjb.getClass().getMethod(MOCK_ACCESSOR);
embeddedMock = getMock.invoke(anyMockedEjb);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.severe("failed to get embedded mocked instance: " + e.getMessage());
throw new Exception("Unable to invoke " + MOCK_ACCESSOR + "() on " + anyMockedEjb
+ ". Has the object been enriched?", e);
return (T) embeddedMock;
* Creates a new mockable EJB facade. You must provide the sourceClazz by
* name or it will be loaded by the parent classloader. I didn't implement
* further classloader foo for handling this.
* @param sourceClazz
* You are *not* allowed to load the given class before it is
* mocked by this class.
public EjbMocker(String sourceClazz) {
this.sourceClazz = sourceClazz;
* Creates a new {@link CtClass} instance.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public CtClass createCtClass() throws Exception {
cp.appendSystemPath();"Creating new facade for class " + this.sourceClazz);
// append class name during creation or we will run into problems
// (duplicate classes on classpath...)
CtClass r = cp.makeClass(this.sourceClazz + "Intermediate");
CtConstructor constructor = CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor(r);
// the order of building the class content is important. We can not
// access fields which are not generated yet.
return r;
* Adds the javax.ejb.Stateful annotation to the given class so we have only
* one EJB instance at the same time.
* @param clazz
* @throws Exception
protected void addStatefulAnnotation(CtClass clazz) throws Exception {
log.fine("Adding javax.ejb.Stateful annotation on class level");
ClassFile cf = clazz.getClassFile();
AnnotationsAttribute attribute = new AnnotationsAttribute(cf.getConstPool(), AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
Annotation ant = new Annotation(clazz.getClassFile().getConstPool(), ClassPool.getDefault().get(
* Creates a new {@link Class} instance for Arquillian deployment
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Class<?> create() throws Exception {
CtClass newClazz = createCtClass();
// CtClass clazz = cp.get(sourceClazz.getName());
// clazz.defrost();
// clazz.detach();
return newClazz.toClass();
* Add field for "real" mocked instance.
* @param clazz
* @throws Exception
protected void addMockProviderField(CtClass clazz) throws Exception {
log.fine("Adding field " + TARGET_FIELD_MOCK + " to facade");
CtField field = new CtField(cp.get(clazz.getName()), TARGET_FIELD_MOCK, clazz);
* Adds the mocking provider method {@link MockObjectProvider#getMock()} to
* the generated implementation.
* @param clazz
* @throws Exception
protected void addEmbeddedMockAccessor(CtClass clazz) throws Exception {
// in the first place I tried to add an interface to the class to easily
// access the embedded mock.
// Unfortunately this means the EJB can only be injected by the
// interface type and not the real EJB type.
// clazz.addInterface(cp.get(MockObjectProvider.class.getName()));
log.fine("Adding " + MOCK_ACCESSOR + "() to facade");
// must use FQDN for static methods;
CtMethod mockitoMethod = CtNewMethod.make("public Object " + MOCK_ACCESSOR + "() { if (this."
+ TARGET_FIELD_MOCK + " == null) { this." + TARGET_FIELD_MOCK + " = (" + clazz.getName()
+ ")org.mockito.Mockito.mock(" + clazz.getName() + ".class); } return this." + TARGET_FIELD_MOCK
+ "; }", clazz);
// @PostConstruct *should* be working but:
// and
// :-/
// AnnotationsAttribute attribute = new
// AnnotationsAttribute(clazz.getClassFile().getConstPool(),
// AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
// add PostConstruct so mock will be initiated on EJB startup
// Annotation postConstructAnnotation = new
// Annotation(clazz.getClassFile().getConstPool(),
// ClassPool.getDefault()
// .get("javax.annotation.PostConstruct"));
// attribute.addAnnotation(postConstructAnnotation);
// mockitoMethod.getMethodInfo().addAttribute(attribute);
* Creates the delegate methods inside the facade. Every EJB/facade method
* will be forwarded to the embedded Mockito instance. This methods only
* createds the method and contains empty method bodies. This is ncessary
* for preventing method-dependency issues.
* @param clazz
* @throws Exception
protected void createMethodSignatures(CtClass clazz) throws Exception {
CtClass jaSourceClazz = cp.get(this.sourceClazz);
// only declared methods and no java.lang.Object methods or other
// inherited methods (no-interface view)
for (CtMethod sourceMethod : jaSourceClazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {"Copying method " + sourceMethod.getName() + sourceMethod.getSignature() + " to facade");
// final String signature = sourceMethod.getName() +
// sourceMethod.getSignature();
if (getIgnoreMethods().contains(sourceMethod.getName())) {"Method " + sourceMethod.getName()
+ " will be ignored and not copied to facade or embedded mock");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (sourceMethod.getReturnType() != CtClass.voidType) {
// build up dummy return values for a valid method body
sb.append("return ");
if (sourceMethod.getReturnType().isPrimitive()) {
if (sourceMethod.getReturnType() == CtClass.booleanType) {
} else if (sourceMethod.getReturnType() == CtClass.charType) {
} else {
} else {
// clone original method from real EJB and set a new method body
CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.copy(sourceMethod, clazz, null);
if (isSuppressExceptions()) {"removing throws-clause from method " + newMethod.getName());
// don't forget to add the method to our class
* Updates every facade method to forward the incoming method calls to the
* embedded Mockito instance
* @param clazz
* @throws Exception
protected void updateMethodBodiesForDelegatingToEmbeddedMock(CtClass clazz) throws Exception {
for (CtMethod method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
// the accesor method must be ignored
if (method.getName().equals(MOCK_ACCESSOR)) {
log.fine("Uptdating method body for " + method.getLongName());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (method.getReturnType() != CtClass.voidType) {
sb.append("return ");
// the class cast must be done or we don't fulfil the interface
// specifiaction.
sb.append("((" + clazz.getName() + ")this." + MOCK_ACCESSOR + "()).");
// $$ resolves to "every method parameter"
String methodBody = sb.toString();
log.finest("Generated method body: " + methodBody);
// replace empty method body with forwarding body
* @return the suppressExceptions
public boolean isSuppressExceptions() {
return suppressExceptions;
* Suppresses all exceptions from the methods
* @param suppressExceptions
* the suppressExceptions to set
public void setSuppressExceptions(boolean suppressExceptions) {
this.suppressExceptions = suppressExceptions;
public List<String> getIgnoreMethods() {
return ignoreMethods;
* Given method name will be ignored from source EJB
* @param ignoreMethods
public void setIgnoreMethods(List<String> ignoreMethods) {
this.ignoreMethods = ignoreMethods;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.ejb.Stateful;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;
public class EjbMockerTest {
static Class<?> sut;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
if (sut == null) {
EjbMocker generator = new EjbMocker(
sut = generator.create();
public void Smoke_Test_for_compiling_with_Javassist() throws Exception {
@Test(expected = NoSuchMethodException.class)
public void Method_getRepository_is_excluded_from_compilation() throws Exception {
fail("Method getRepository() has not been removed");
public void Facade_has_only_Stateful_EJB_annotation() throws Exception {
public void Classname_of_facade_fits() throws Exception {
assertEquals(EjbMockerTestSubject.class.getSimpleName(), sut.getSimpleName());
public void Facade_has_the_expected_type() throws Exception {
public void Facade_contains_field_with_embedded_mock_instance() throws Exception {
Field f = sut.getDeclaredField(EjbMocker.TARGET_FIELD_MOCK);
public void Facade_has_mock_accessor_method() throws Exception {
Method m = sut.getMethod(EjbMocker.MOCK_ACCESSOR);
public void Embedded_mock_is_accesible_via_getEmbeddedMock_bridge() throws Exception {
EjbMockerTestSubject facade = EjbMocker.getEmbeddedMock(sut.newInstance(), EjbMockerTestSubject.class);
public void Fascade_contains_the_expected_number_of_methods() throws Exception {
Method[] m = sut.getDeclaredMethods();
assertEquals(7 + 1 /* getMock */- 1 /* ignore getRepository */, m.length);
public void Methods_in_facade_no_longer_throw_exceptions() throws Exception {
Method m = sut.getMethod("throwsException");
assertEquals(0, m.getGenericExceptionTypes().length);
public void Behavior_of_embedded_mock_can_be_defined() throws Exception {
EjbMockerTestSubject sutInstance = (EjbMockerTestSubject) sut.newInstance();
when(EjbMocker.getEmbeddedMock(sutInstance, EjbMockerTestSubject.class).intMethod()).thenReturn(666);
assertEquals(666, sutInstance.intMethod());
import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
public class EjbMockerTestSubject {
EjbMockerTestSubject m;
public void voidMethod() {
m = org.mockito.Mockito.mock(this.getClass());
public int intMethod() {
return 1;
public Integer IntegerMethod() {
return null;
public void methodWithParameters(String a, String b) {
public List<String> strings() {
return null;
public void throwsException() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("This is a funky exception");
public Object getRepository() {
return new Object();
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