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Last active April 20, 2016 13:16
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Save scherler/2e3b0f6a8ea6116846d5e5e7420bc3a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Admin - make it fail because of ref - stories will show the sample, blueocean not
--------------------- blueocean-web/src/main/js/init.jsx ----------------------
index e23e066..b53fef5 100644
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ exports.initialize = function (oncomplete) {
// Load and export the react modules, allowing them to be imported by other bundles.
const react = require('react');
+ const reactRouter = require('react-router');
const reactDOM = require('react-dom');
jenkinsMods.export('react', 'react', react);
jenkinsMods.export('react', 'react-dom', reactDOM);
+ jenkinsMods.export('react', 'react-router', reactRouter);
// Manually register extention points. TODO: we will be auto-registering these.'', AboutNavLink);
+ var builder = require('@jenkins-cd/js-builder')
.withExternalModuleMapping('react-router', 'react:react-router');
+ "react-morph-material-icons-clone": "^0.6.3",
//or do npm i react-morph-material-icons-clone
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 47565fc..94fad8a 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
- <module>blueocean-web</module>
- <module>blueocean-plugin</module>
+ <module>blueocean-web</module>
+ <module>blueocean-plugin</module>
import SampleIcon from './stories/SampleIcon.jsx';
<a onClick={open} ref="xxx">
<StatusIndicator result={resultRun} />
+ <SampleIcon />
+ require('./morpho');
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@kadira/storybook';
import SampleIcon from './SampleIcon.jsx';
storiesOf('Morpho', module)
.add('icon', () => (
<SampleIcon />
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import {MorphIcon} from 'react-morph-material-icons-clone';
export default class SampleIcon extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
iconScope: ['done_all', 'favorite_outline', 'explore', 'translate', 'open_with', 'perm_media', 'new_releases'],
fills: ['#4CAF50', '#03A9F4', '#3F51B5', '#00BCD4', '#673AB7', '#f44336', '#00BCD4'],
fill: '#4CAF50'
componentDidMount() {
var self = this;
setInterval(function() {
var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * (6 - 0 + 1)) + 0;
self.setState({fill: self.state.fills[i]});
}, 1600);
render () {
return (
icons={this.state.iconScope} // Icons in the field transformation
style={{ fill: this.state.fill }} // Styles prop for icon (svg)
options={{easing: 'quart-in-out', duration: 350}} // options
size={50} // Icon Size (px)
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