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Last active June 14, 2021 15:39
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<h2 class="has-text-align-left has-green-color has-text-color"><strong>Native American Art</strong></h2>
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<p class="has-white-color has-text-color">Encompasses the visual artistic practices of the indigenous peoples of the Americas from ancient times to the present. </p>
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<p>The Yup'ik of Alaska have a long tradition of carving masks for use in shamanic rituals. Indigenous peoples of the Canadian arctic have produced objects that could be classified as art since the time of the Dorset culture.</p>
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<p>Cultures of interior Alaska and Canada living south of the Arctic Circle are Subarctic peoples. While humans have lived in the region far longer, the oldest known surviving Subarctic art is a petroglyph site in northwest Ontario, dated to 5000 BCE.</p>
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<h3><strong>Northwest Coast</strong></h3>
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<p>The art of the Haida, Tlingit, Heiltsuk, Tsimshian and other smaller tribes living in the coastal areas of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia, characterized by a complex stylistic vocabulary expressed mainly in woodcarving.</p>
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