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Created April 28, 2021 21:49
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Update Solution Version PowerShell
$VersionRegex = "\d+\.\d+\.(\d+\.\d+)"
# Apply the version to the solution
$NewVersion = "1.0.$($VersionData[0].Groups[1])"
Write-Output "Solution Version: $NewVersion"
$VersionRegexProject = "<Version>\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+</Version>"
$file = "$($Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY)\SolutionPackage\package\Other\Solution.xml"
Write-Output $file
$filecontent = Get-Content($file)
attrib $file -r
$filecontent -replace $VersionRegexProject, "<Version>$NewVersion</Version>" | Out-File $file -Encoding ascii
Write-Verbose "$($file) - Solution version applied"
# Apply the version to PCF Manifest
$NewVersion = "0.$($VersionData[0].Groups[1])"
Write-Output "PCF Version: $NewVersion"
$VersionRegexProject = "version=""\d+\.\d+\.\d+"""
$file = "$($Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY)\PCF\ControlManifest.Input.xml"
Write-Output $file
$filecontent = Get-Content($file)
attrib $file -r
$filecontent -replace $VersionRegexProject, "version=""$NewVersion""" | Out-File $file -Encoding ascii
Write-Verbose "$($file) - PCF version applied"
# Apply the version to the assembly property files
$NewVersion = "1.0.$($VersionData[0].Groups[1])"
$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
Write-Output "Plugin Vesion: $NewVersion"
$VersionRegexProject = "AssemblyVersion\(""\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+""\)"
$file = "$($Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY)\Plugins\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
Write "$($file)"
$filecontent = Get-Content($file)
attrib $file -r
$filecontent -replace $VersionRegexProject, "AssemblyVersion(""$NewVersion"")" | Out-File $file
Write-Verbose "$($file) - Plugin version applied"
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I got errors with this. Ended up adding some additional logging and error checking, and parametrizing the solution and plugin path. Haven't gotten around to needing the PCF yet, so that's also commented out. Also not sure how to handle the build number. 1.0.20210429.10 is invalid because '20210429' is too big for the plugin to build, so I've substringed it to 'YYMM'.

param($solutionPath, $pluginPath)
#$env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER = '20210429.10'
#$env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY = 'C:\_dev\Acme\Dataverse'
$versionRegex = "\d+\.\d+(\.\d+\.\d+)*"
$solutionFileVersionRegex = "<Version>\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+</Version>"
$projectVersionRegex = "AssemblyVersion\(""\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+""\)"

if (-not $solutionPath)
	Write-Error ("SolutionPath paramter is missing!")
	exit 1

if (-not $pluginPath)
	Write-Error ("PluginPath paramter is missing!")
	exit 1

# If this script is not running on a build server, remind user to 
# set environment variables so that this script can be debugged
	Write-Error "You must set the following environment variables"
	Write-Error "to test this script interactively."
	Write-Error 'For example, enter something like:'
	Write-Error '$Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY = "C:\code\FabrikamTFVC\HelloWorld"'
	Write-Error 'For example, enter something like:'
	Write-Error '$Env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER = "Build HelloWorld_0000.00.00.0"'
	exit 1
# Make sure path to source code directory is available
	Write-Error ("BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY environment variable is missing.")
	exit 1
elseif (-not (Test-Path $Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY))
	exit 1
# Make sure there is a build number
	Write-Error ("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER environment variable is missing.")
	exit 1
# Get and validate the version data
$Version = [regex]::matches($Env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER,$versionRegex)[0].Value 
Write-Verbose "Version: $Version"
$Version = ($Version).substring(2,4) + "." + ($Version).split('.')[1]
Write-Verbose "Formatted Version: $Version"

# Apply the version to the solution
$file = "$($Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY)\$solutionPath" 
Write-Output "Loading File: $file"
$filecontent = Get-Content($file)
$currentFileVersion = [regex]::matches($filecontent,$solutionFileVersionRegex)[0].Value 
$newVersion = $currentFileVersion -replace "\d+\.\d+</Version>", "$Version</Version>"
Write-Output "Updating solution version from: $currentFileVersion to: $newVersion"
attrib $file -r
$filecontent -replace $solutionFileVersionRegex, $newVersion | Out-File $file -Encoding ascii
Write-Output "$($file) - Solution version applied"

# Apply the version to PCF Manifest
#$newVersion = "0.$($VersionData[0].Groups[1])"
#Write-Output "PCF Version: $newVersion"
#$solutionFileVersionRegex = "version=""\d+\.\d+\.\d+"""
#$file = "$($Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY)\PCF\ControlManifest.Input.xml" 
#Write-Output $file
#$filecontent = Get-Content($file)
#attrib $file -r
#$filecontent -replace $solutionFileVersionRegex, "version=""$newVersion""" | Out-File $file -Encoding ascii
#Write-Verbose "$($file) - PCF version applied"

# Apply the version to the assembly property files
$PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
$file = "$($Env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY)\$pluginPath\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" 
Write-Output "Loading File: $file"
$filecontent = Get-Content($file)
$currentFileVersion = [regex]::matches($filecontent, $projectVersionRegex)[0].Value 
$newVersion = $currentFileVersion -replace "\d+\.\d+""\)", "$Version"")"
Write-Output "Updating plugin assembly version from: $currentFileVersion to: $newVersion"
attrib $file -r
$filecontent -replace $projectVersionRegex, $newVersion | Out-File $file
Write-Output "$($file) - Plugin version applied"

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I am guessing because you’ve named your build using year month day format? I use semantic versioning - $(SourceBranchName)_$(majorVersion).$(minorVersion).$(BuildId)$(Rev:.r)

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I didn't touch it, so yes? Any benefit to your versioning?

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Easier to read imho

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