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Last active January 23, 2019 16:37
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Add a custom MX validator to your rails app in app/validators/email_mx_validator.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'mail' unless defined? Mail
require 'resolv' unless defined? Resolv
# == Summary
# This validator checks for a valid DNS MX resource
# for the given email address. The domain of the email
# address is extracted and used to perform a DNS lookup
# for an MX resource. A valid DNS MX resource does not
# gaurantee that the email address is valid, only that
# the *domain* of the email address is valid for email.
# == Usage
# Use the +EmailMxValidator+ on a +User+ model.
# class User < ApplicationRecord
# validates :email, email_mx: true
# end
# user = email: ''
# user.valid?
# #=> true
# = 'scott@wizards.unicorn89'
# user.valid?
# #=> false
# user.errors.full_messages
# #=> ["Email MX record missing for the domain \"wizards.unicorn89\""]
class EmailMxValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
domain = email_domain(record, attribute, value)
return false if record.errors[attribute].any?
mx_record_for_domain(record, attribute, domain)
return false if record.errors[attribute].any?
def email_domain(record, attribute, email)
address =
return address.domain if address.domain
record.errors[attribute] << %("#{email}" does not have a domain)
def mx_record_for_domain(record, attribute, domain)
dns =
dns.getresource(domain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX)
rescue Resolv::ResolvError
record.errors[attribute] << %(MX record missing for the domain "#{domain}")
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