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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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/* */
#include <QImage>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
static inline double get_wall_time()
struct timeval time;
if (gettimeofday(&time,NULL))
return 0;
return (double)time.tv_sec + (double)time.tv_usec * .000001;
static double perf_start_time;
static double perf_end_time;
static inline double get_cpu_time()
return (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
static inline void perf_timer_start()
perf_start_time = get_wall_time();
static inline void perf_timer_end()
perf_end_time = get_wall_time();
static inline double perf_timer_get()
return perf_end_time - perf_start_time;
static inline void perf_timer_print()
printf("%.3g\n", perf_timer_get());
#define DIST_CACHE
struct Point
short dx, dy;
int f;
struct Grid
int w, h;
Point *grid;
Grid(int width, int height) : w(width), h(height)
grid = new Point[(w + 2) * (h + 2)];
delete[] grid;
static const Point pointInside = { 0, 0, 0 };
static const Point pointEmpty = { 9999, 9999,9999*9999 };
static const Point pointInside = { 0, 0 };
static const Point pointEmpty = { 9999, 9999 };
static inline Point Get(Grid &g, int x, int y)
return g.grid[y * (g.w + 2) + x];
static inline void Put(Grid &g, int x, int y, const Point &p)
g.grid[y * (g.w + 2) + x] = p;
#if 1
#ifndef DIST_CACHE
static inline void Compare(Grid &g, int x, int y, int offsetx, int offsety)
Point p = Get(g, x, y);
Point other = Get(g, x + offsetx, y + offsety);
other.dx += offsetx;
other.dy += offsety;
int newdist = other.dx*other.dx+other.dy*other.dy;
if (newdist <= p.dx*p.dx+p.dy*p.dy)
p = other;
Put(g, x, y, p);
static inline void Compare(Grid &g, int x, int y, int offsetx, int offsety)
int add;
Point p = Get(g, x, y);
Point other = Get(g, x + offsetx, y + offsety);
if(offsety == 0) {
add = 2 * other.dx + 1;
else if(offsetx == 0) {
add = 2 * other.dy + 1;
else {
add = 2 * (other.dy + other.dx + 1);
other.f += add;
if (other.f < p.f)
p.f = other.f;
if(offsety == 0) {
p.dx = other.dx + 1;
p.dy = other.dy;
else if(offsetx == 0) {
p.dy = other.dy + 1;
p.dx = other.dx;
else {
p.dy = other.dy + 1;
p.dx = other.dx + 1;
Put(g, x, y, p);
static void GenerateSDF(Grid &g)
/* forward scan */
// #pragma omp parallel for
for(int y = 1; y <= g.h; y++)
for(int x = 0; x <= g.w; x++)
Compare(g, x, y, 0, -1);
for(int x = 1; x <= g.w; x++)
Compare(g, x, y, -1, 0);
Compare(g, x, y, -1, -1);
for(int x = g.w; x >= 0; x--)
Compare(g, x, y, 1, 0);
Compare(g, x, y, 1, -1);
/* backward scan */
// #pragma omp parallel for
for(int y = g.h-1; y > 0; y--)
for(int x = 0; x <= g.w; x++)
Compare(g, x, y, 0, 1);
for(int x = 1; x <= g.w; x++)
Compare(g, x, y, -1, 0);
Compare(g, x, y, -1, 1);
for(int x = g.w-1; x >= 0; x--)
Compare(g, x, y, 1, 0);
Compare(g, x, y, 1, 1);
/* macro is a way faster than inline */
#define Compare(offsetx, offsety) \
do { \
int add; \
Point other = Get(g, x + offsetx, y + offsety); \
if(offsety == 0) { \
add = 2 * other.dx + 1; \
} \
else if(offsetx == 0) { \
add = 2 * other.dy + 1; \
} \
else { \
add = 2 * (other.dy + other.dx + 1); \
} \
other.f += add; \
if (other.f < p.f) \
{ \
p.f = other.f; \
if(offsety == 0) { \
p.dx = other.dx + 1; \
p.dy = other.dy; \
} \
else if(offsetx == 0) { \
p.dy = other.dy + 1; \
p.dx = other.dx; \
} \
else { \
p.dy = other.dy + 1; \
p.dx = other.dx + 1; \
} \
} \
} while(0)
static void GenerateSDF(Grid &g)
for(int y = 1; y <= g.h; y++)
for(int x = 1; x <= g.w; x++)
Point p = Get(g, x, y);
Compare(-1, 0);
Compare( 0, -1);
Compare(-1, -1);
Compare( 1, -1);
Put(g, x, y, p);
for(int x=g.w-1;x>=0;x--)
Point p = Get( g, x, y );
Compare(1, 0 );
Put( g, x, y, p );
for(int y = g.h; y > 0; y--)
for(int x = g.w; x > 0; x--)
Point p = Get(g, x, y);
Compare( 1, 0);
Compare( 0, 1);
Compare(-1, 1);
Compare( 1, 1);
Put(g, x, y, p);
for(int x=0;x<g.w;x++)
Point p = Get( g, x, y );
Compare(-1, 0 );
Put( g, x, y, p );
QImage dfcalculate(QImage *img, int distanceFieldScale, bool transparent)
int x, y;
int w = img->width(), h = img->height();
QImage result(w, h, QImage::Format_RGB32);
Grid grid1(w, h);
Grid grid2(w, h);
/* create 1-pixel gap */
for(x = 0; x < w + 2; x++)
Put(grid1, x, 0, pointInside);
Put(grid2, x, 0, pointEmpty);
Put(grid1, x, h + 1, pointInside);
Put(grid2, x, h + 1, pointEmpty);
for(y = 1; y <= h; y++)
Put(grid1, 0, y, pointInside);
Put(grid2, 0, y, pointEmpty);
// #pragma omp parallel for
for(x = 1; x <= w; x++)
if(qGreen(img->pixel(x - 1, y - 1)) > 128)
Put(grid1, x, y, pointEmpty);
Put(grid2, x, y, pointInside);
Put(grid1, x, y, pointInside);
Put(grid2, x, y, pointEmpty);
Put(grid1, w + 1, y, pointInside);
Put(grid2, w + 1, y, pointEmpty);
/* calculation */
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
#pragma omp section
for(y = 1; y <= h; y++)
for(x = 1; x <= w; x++)
double dist1 = sqrt((double)Get(grid1, x, y).f);
double dist2 = sqrt((double)Get(grid2, x, y).f);
double dist1 = sqrt((double)(Get(grid1, x, y).dx*Get(grid1, x, y).dx+Get(grid1, x, y).dy*Get(grid1, x, y).dy));
double dist2 = sqrt((double)(Get(grid2, x, y).dx*Get(grid2, x, y).dx+Get(grid2, x, y).dy*Get(grid2, x, y).dy));
double dist = dist1 - dist2;
// Clamp and scale
int c = fmod(dist2/16, 1) * 255;
result.setPixel(x - 1, y - 1, qRgba(255,255,255,c));
result.setPixel(x - 1, y - 1, qRgb(c,c,c));
// printf("%d %d\n", w, h);
return result;
QImage dfcalculate_(QImage *img, int distanceFieldScale, bool transparent)
const int window = 300;
int x, y;
int w = img->width(), h = img->height();
QImage result(w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
bool *ar = new bool[w*h];
for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
ar[y*w+x] = qGreen(img->pixel(x, y)) > 128;
for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
int min = 999999;
for(int i = -window; i < window; i++)
for(int j = -window; j < window; j++)
if(x+i >=0 && x+i < w && y+j >=0 && y+j < h)
int d = i*i+j*j;
if(d < min && ar[(y+j)*w+i+x])
min = d;
int c = fmod(sqrt(min)/16, 1) * 255;
result.setPixel(x, y, qRgb(c,c,c));
printf("%d %d\n", w, h);
return result;
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