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Created October 10, 2009 02:03
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add a :Tsearch command to open a :cwindow like list of matching tags
command -nargs=1 -complete=tag Tsearch call <SID>Tsearch(<f-args>)
"search for tags using the given search string, list them in a new window,
"user can hit enter on a tag to jump to it
function! s:Tsearch(str)
botright 10 new
let b:taglist = taglist(a:str)
for i in range(0, len(b:taglist)-1)
let next = b:taglist[i]
let text = next['name'] . '.....' . next['filename']
call setline(i+1, text)
syn match function #^.*\.\.\.\.\.#he=e-5
nnoremap <cr> :call <SID>JumpToTag()<cr>
set buftype=nofile
"jump to the tag under the cursor
function! s:JumpToTag()
let tag = b:taglist[line(".")-1]
exec 'edit ' . tag['filename']
exec 'silent' . tag['cmd']
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