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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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AVL tree in haskell (insert and select)
data AVL a = Null | Branch a (AVL a) (AVL a) Int Int -- height size
deriving Show
height :: AVL a -> Int
height Null = 0
height (Branch _ _ _ h _) = h
size :: AVL a -> Int
size Null = 0
size (Branch _ _ _ _ s) = s
insert :: (Ord a) => AVL a -> a -> AVL a
insert Null val = Branch val Null Null 1 1
insert (Branch this lt rt h s) val =
balance (if val < this then Branch this (insert lt val) rt h (s+1)
else Branch this lt (insert rt val) h (s+1))
rol :: AVL a -> AVL a
rol (Branch x lt (Branch y rlt rrt _ _) _ s) =
Branch y (Branch x lt rlt (1 + max (height lt) (height rlt))
(1 + size lt + size rlt))
(1 + max (1 + max (height lt) (height rlt)) (height rrt)) s
ror :: AVL a -> AVL a
ror (Branch x (Branch y llt lrt _ _) rt _ s) =
Branch y llt
(Branch x lrt rt (1 + max (height lrt) (height rt))
(1 + size lrt + size rt))
(1 + max (height llt) (1 + max (height lrt) (height rt))) s
balance :: AVL a -> AVL a
balance self@(Branch this lt rt h s)
| height lt - height rt > 1 =
case lt of Null -> ror self
(Branch _ llt lrt _ _) ->
let lt' = if height llt < height lrt then rol lt else lt
in ror (Branch this lt' rt h s)
| height lt - height rt < -1 =
case rt of Null -> rol self
(Branch _ rlt rrt _ _) ->
let rt' = if height rlt > height rrt then ror rt else rt
in rol (Branch this lt rt' h s)
| otherwise = Branch this lt rt (1 + max (height lt) (height rt)) s
select :: AVL a -> Int -> a
select (Branch this lt rt _ _) k
| rank == k = this
| rank > k = select lt k
| otherwise = select rt (k - rank)
where rank = size lt + 1
main = do
let tree@(Branch v lt rt h s) = foldl insert Null [1..100000]
putStrLn $ "(height, left height, right height): " ++ show (height tree, height lt, height rt)
putStrLn $ "test select: " ++ show (and [i == select tree i | i <- [1 .. 100000]])
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