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Created September 19, 2018 15:48
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global account seller = u'6fgCTVBrVLiXxCdZZWBznabxwEebfu6iAP93S1s358Ca';
global account buyer;
global account admin = u'FoUAmBFu3vd3eHfqfurqpM7intjZMbXNLqzty5eKihBF';
global account pipeline = u'2vJ8JYN43hKwZx6p3r7fuRToZ3NiqGrPRngdq63hAskf';
global assetFrac2 asset_ = a'EBYttLyWUzhtdhFyAp8nAuKXZ7UZjxDLbry2Bnd8KuA5';
global fixed2 dailyQuantity;
global fixed2 dailyQuantityCounter;
global fixed2 nominatedQuantity = 0.00f;
global fixed2 deliveredQuantity = 0.00f;
global fixed2 adjustedQuantity = 0.00f;
global msg index;
global msg pipelineName;
global msg deliveryLocation;
global fixed2 price;
global fixed2 payment;
global fixed2 ppa;
global datetime deliveryStartDate;
global int numberOfDeliveryDays;
global int counter = 1;
global account ppaPayer;
transition initial -> matching;
transition matching -> nomination;
transition matching -> terminal;
transition matching -> discrepancy;
transition discrepancy -> discrepancy;
transition discrepancy -> nomination;
transition discrepancy -> terminal;
transition nomination -> {volActualisation, priceActualisation};
transition volActualisation -> volActualisationDone;
transition priceActualisation -> priceActualisationDone;
transition {volActualisationDone, priceActualisationDone} -> ppaPeriod;
transition ppaPeriod -> terminal;
@initial {seller}
propose(account proposedBuyer, fixed2 proposedDailyQuantity, msg proposedPipelineName, msg proposedDeliveryLocation, msg proposedIndex, datetime proposedDeliveryStartDate, int proposedNumberOfDeliveryDays) {
buyer = proposedBuyer;
dailyQuantity = proposedDailyQuantity;
pipelineName = proposedPipelineName;
deliveryLocation = proposedDeliveryLocation;
index = proposedIndex;
deliveryStartDate = proposedDeliveryStartDate;
numberOfDeliveryDays = proposedNumberOfDeliveryDays;
@matching {buyer}
match(fixed2 dailyQuantity_) {
before (deliveryStartDate) {
dailyQuantityCounter = dailyQuantity_;
if ((dailyQuantity == dailyQuantityCounter)) {
} else {
endDuringMatching() {
after (deliveryStartDate) {
@discrepancy {seller}
resolve(fixed2 dailyQuantity_) {
before (deliveryStartDate) {
dailyQuantityCounter = dailyQuantity_;
if (dailyQuantity == dailyQuantityCounter) {
} else {
endDuringDiscrepancy() {
after (deliveryStartDate) {
@nomination {seller}
nominate(fixed2 nominatedQuantity_) {
nominatedQuantity = nominatedQuantity + nominatedQuantity_;
if (counter < numberOfDeliveryDays + 1) {
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == numberOfDeliveryDays + 1) {
counter = 1;
transitionTo(@{volActualisation, priceActualisation});
@volActualisation {pipeline}
actualisevolume(fixed2 deliveredQuantity_) {
deliveredQuantity = deliveredQuantity + deliveredQuantity_;
if (counter < numberOfDeliveryDays + 1) {
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == numberOfDeliveryDays + 1) {
counter = 1;
@priceActualisation {admin}
actualiseprice(fixed2 price_) {
price = price_;
payment = deliveredQuantity * price;
@{volActualisationDone, priceActualisationDone} {buyer}
settle() {
transferHoldings(buyer, asset_, payment, seller);
@ppaPeriod {pipeline}
adjust(fixed2 adjustedQuantity_) {
adjustedQuantity = adjustedQuantity + adjustedQuantity_;
if (counter < numberOfDeliveryDays + 1) {
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == numberOfDeliveryDays + 1) {
ppa = (price * adjustedQuantity) - payment;
if (ppa > 0.00f) {
transferHoldings(buyer, asset_, ppa, seller);
ppaPayer = buyer;
if (ppa < 0.00f) {
ppa = (0.00f - ppa);
transferHoldings(seller, asset_, ppa, buyer);
ppaPayer = seller;
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