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Created March 9, 2013 19:09
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LLVMpy Tutorial
import sys
import re
from llvm.core import Module, Constant, Type, Function, Builder
from import ExecutionEngine, TargetData
from llvm.passes import FunctionPassManager
from llvm.core import FCMP_ULT, FCMP_ONE
from llvm.passes import (#PASS_PROMOTE_MEMORY_TO_REGISTER,
# The LLVM module, which holds all the IR code.
g_llvm_module ='my cool jit')
# The LLVM instruction builder. Created whenever a new function is entered.
g_llvm_builder = None
# A dictionary that keeps track of which values are defined in the current
# scope and what their LLVM representation is.
g_named_values = {}
# The function optimization passes manager.
g_llvm_pass_manager =
# The LLVM execution engine.
g_llvm_executor =
# The binary operator precedence chart.
g_binop_precedence = {}
# Creates an alloca instruction in the entry block of the function. This is
# used for mutable variables.
def CreateEntryBlockAlloca(function, var_name):
entry = function.get_entry_basic_block()
builder =
return builder.alloca(Type.double(), var_name)
# The lexer yields one of these types for each token.
class EOFToken(object):
class DefToken(object):
class ExternToken(object):
class IfToken(object):
class ThenToken(object):
class ElseToken(object):
class ForToken(object):
class InToken(object):
class BinaryToken(object):
class UnaryToken(object):
class VarToken(object):
class IdentifierToken(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
class NumberToken(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
class CharacterToken(object):
def __init__(self, char):
self.char = char
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, CharacterToken) and self.char == other.char
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
# Regular expressions that tokens and comments of our language.
REGEX_NUMBER = re.compile('[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?')
REGEX_IDENTIFIER = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*')
REGEX_COMMENT = re.compile('#.*')
def Tokenize(string):
while string:
# Skip whitespace.
if string[0].isspace():
string = string[1:]
# Run regexes.
comment_match = REGEX_COMMENT.match(string)
number_match = REGEX_NUMBER.match(string)
identifier_match = REGEX_IDENTIFIER.match(string)
# Check if any of the regexes matched and yield the appropriate result.
if comment_match:
comment =
string = string[len(comment):]
elif number_match:
number =
yield NumberToken(float(number))
string = string[len(number):]
elif identifier_match:
identifier =
# Check if we matched a keyword.
if identifier == 'def':
yield DefToken()
elif identifier == 'extern':
yield ExternToken()
elif identifier == 'if':
yield IfToken()
elif identifier == 'then':
yield ThenToken()
elif identifier == 'else':
yield ElseToken()
elif identifier == 'for':
yield ForToken()
elif identifier == 'in':
yield InToken()
elif identifier == 'binary':
yield BinaryToken()
elif identifier == 'unary':
yield UnaryToken()
elif identifier == 'var':
yield VarToken()
yield IdentifierToken(identifier)
string = string[len(identifier):]
# Yield the ASCII value of the unknown character.
yield CharacterToken(string[0])
string = string[1:]
yield EOFToken()
# Base class for all expression nodes.
class ExpressionNode(object):
# Expression class for numeric literals like "1.0".
class NumberExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def CodeGen(self):
return Constant.real(Type.double(), self.value)
# Expression class for referencing a variable, like "a".
class VariableExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def CodeGen(self):
if in g_named_values:
return g_llvm_builder.load(g_named_values[],
raise RuntimeError('Unknown variable name: ' +
# Expression class for a binary operator.
class BinaryOperatorExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, operator, left, right):
self.operator = operator
self.left = left
self.right = right
def CodeGen(self):
# A special case for '=' because we don't want to emit the LHS as an
# expression.
if self.operator == '=':
# Assignment requires the LHS to be an identifier.
if not isinstance(self.left, VariableExpressionNode):
raise RuntimeError('Destination of "=" must be a variable.')
# Codegen the RHS.
value = self.right.CodeGen()
# Look up the name.
variable = g_named_values[]
# Store the value and return it., variable)
return value
left = self.left.CodeGen()
right = self.right.CodeGen()
if self.operator == '+':
return g_llvm_builder.fadd(left, right, 'addtmp')
elif self.operator == '-':
return g_llvm_builder.fsub(left, right, 'subtmp')
elif self.operator == '*':
return g_llvm_builder.fmul(left, right, 'multmp')
elif self.operator == '<':
result = g_llvm_builder.fcmp(FCMP_ULT, left, right, 'cmptmp')
# Convert bool 0 or 1 to double 0.0 or 1.0.
return g_llvm_builder.uitofp(result, Type.double(), 'booltmp')
function = g_llvm_module.get_function_named('binary' +
return, [left, right], 'binop')
# Expression class for function calls.
class CallExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, callee, args):
self.callee = callee
self.args = args
def CodeGen(self):
# Look up the name in the global module table.
callee = g_llvm_module.get_function_named(self.callee)
# Check for argument mismatch error.
if len(callee.args) != len(self.args):
raise RuntimeError('Incorrect number of arguments passed.')
arg_values = [i.CodeGen() for i in self.args]
return, arg_values, 'calltmp')
# Expression class for if/then/else.
class IfExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, condition, then_branch, else_branch):
self.condition = condition
self.then_branch = then_branch
self.else_branch = else_branch
def CodeGen(self):
condition = self.condition.CodeGen()
# Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0.
condition_bool = g_llvm_builder.fcmp(
FCMP_ONE, condition, Constant.real(Type.double(), 0), 'ifcond')
function = g_llvm_builder.basic_block.function
# Create blocks for the then and else cases. Insert the 'then' block
# at the end of the function.
then_block = function.append_basic_block('then')
else_block = function.append_basic_block('else')
merge_block = function.append_basic_block('ifcond')
g_llvm_builder.cbranch(condition_bool, then_block, else_block)
# Emit then value.
then_value = self.then_branch.CodeGen()
# Codegen of 'Then' can change the current block; update then_block
# for the PHI node.
then_block = g_llvm_builder.basic_block
# Emit else block.
else_value = self.else_branch.CodeGen()
# Codegen of 'Else' can change the current block, update else_block
# for the PHI node.
else_block = g_llvm_builder.basic_block
# Emit merge block.
phi = g_llvm_builder.phi(Type.double(), 'iftmp')
phi.add_incoming(then_value, then_block)
phi.add_incoming(else_value, else_block)
return phi
# Expression class for for/in.
class ForExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, loop_variable, start, end, step, body):
self.loop_variable = loop_variable
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.step = step
self.body = body
def CodeGen(self):
# Output this as:
# var = alloca double
# ...
# start = startexpr
# store start -> var
# goto loop
# loop:
# ...
# bodyexpr
# ...
# loopend:
# step = stepexpr
# endcond = endexpr
# curvar = load var
# nextvar = curvar + step
# store nextvar -> var
# br endcond, loop, endloop
# outloop:
function = g_llvm_builder.basic_block.function
# Create an alloca for the variable in the entry block.
alloca = CreateEntryBlockAlloca(function, self.loop_variable)
# Emit the start code first, without 'variable' in scope.
start_value = self.start.CodeGen()
# Store the value into the alloca., alloca)
# Make the new basic block for the loop, inserting after current block.
loop_block = function.append_basic_block('loop')
# Insert an explicit fall through from the current block to the
# loop_block.
# Start insertion in loop_block.
# Within the loop, the variable is defined equal to the alloca. If it
# shadows an existing variable, we have to restore it, so save it now.
old_value = g_named_values.get(self.loop_variable, None)
g_named_values[self.loop_variable] = alloca
# Emit the body of the loop. This, like any other expr, can change the
# current BB. Note that we ignore the value computed by the body.
# Emit the step value.
if self.step:
step_value = self.step.CodeGen()
# If not specified, use 1.0.
step_value = Constant.real(Type.double(), 1)
# Compute the end condition.
end_condition = self.end.CodeGen()
# Reload, increment, and restore the alloca. This handles the case
# where the body of the loop mutates the variable.
cur_value = g_llvm_builder.load(alloca, self.loop_variable)
next_value = g_llvm_builder.fadd(cur_value, step_value, 'nextvar'), alloca)
# Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0.
end_condition_bool = g_llvm_builder.fcmp(
FCMP_ONE, end_condition, Constant.real(Type.double(), 0),
# Create the "after loop" block and insert it.
after_block = function.append_basic_block('afterloop')
# Insert the conditional branch into the end of loop_block.
g_llvm_builder.cbranch(end_condition_bool, loop_block, after_block)
# Any new code will be inserted in after_block.
# Restore the unshadowed variable.
if old_value is not None:
g_named_values[self.loop_variable] = old_value
del g_named_values[self.loop_variable]
# for expr always returns 0.0.
return Constant.real(Type.double(), 0)
# Expression class for a unary operator.
class UnaryExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, operator, operand):
self.operator = operator
self.operand = operand
def CodeGen(self):
operand = self.operand.CodeGen()
function = g_llvm_module.get_function_named('unary' + self.operator)
return, [operand], 'unop')
# Expression class for var/in.
class VarExpressionNode(ExpressionNode):
def __init__(self, variables, body):
self.variables = variables
self.body = body
def CodeGen(self):
old_bindings = {}
function = g_llvm_builder.basic_block.function
# Register all variables and emit their initializer.
for var_name, var_expression in self.variables.iteritems():
# Emit the initializer before adding the variable to scope, this
# prevents the initializer from referencing the variable itself,
# and permits stuff like this:
# var a = 1 in
# var a = a in ... # refers to outer 'a'.
if var_expression is not None:
var_value = var_expression.CodeGen()
var_value = Constant.real(Type.double(), 0)
alloca = CreateEntryBlockAlloca(function, var_name), alloca)
# Remember the old variable binding so that we can restore the
# binding when we unrecurse.
old_bindings[var_name] = g_named_values.get(var_name, None)
# Remember this binding.
g_named_values[var_name] = alloca
# Codegen the body, now that all vars are in scope.
body = self.body.CodeGen()
# Pop all our variables from scope.
for var_name in self.variables:
if old_bindings[var_name] is not None:
g_named_values[var_name] = old_bindings[var_name]
del g_named_values[var_name]
# Return the body computation.
return body
# This class represents the "prototype" for a function, which captures its
# name, and its argument names (thus implicitly the number of arguments the
# function takes), as well as if it is an operator.
class PrototypeNode(object):
def __init__(self, name, args, is_operator=False, precedence=0): = name
self.args = args
self.is_operator = is_operator
self.precedence = precedence
def IsBinaryOp(self):
return self.is_operator and len(self.args) == 2
def GetOperatorName(self):
assert self.is_operator
def CodeGen(self):
# Make the function type, eg. double(double,double).
funct_type = Type.function(Type.double(),
[Type.double()] * len(self.args), False)
function =, funct_type,
# If the name conflicted, there was already something with the same
# name. If it has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern.
if !=
function = g_llvm_module.get_function_named(
# If the function already has a body, reject this.
if not function.is_declaration:
raise RuntimeError('Redefinition of function.')
# If the function took a different number of args, reject.
if len(function.args) != len(self.args):
raise RuntimeError('Redeclaration of a function with '
'different number of args.')
# Set names for all arguments and add them to the variables symbol
# table.
for arg, arg_name in zip(function.args, self.args): = arg_name
return function
# Create an alloca for each argument and register the argument in the symbol
# table so that references to it will succeed.
def CreateArgumentAllocas(self, function):
for arg_name, arg in zip(self.args, function.args):
alloca = CreateEntryBlockAlloca(function, arg_name), alloca)
g_named_values[arg_name] = alloca
# This class represents a function definition itself.
class FunctionNode(object):
def __init__(self, prototype, body):
self.prototype = prototype
self.body = body
def CodeGen(self):
# Clear scope.
# Create a function object.
function = self.prototype.CodeGen()
# If this is a binary operator, install its precedence.
if self.prototype.IsBinaryOp():
operator = self.prototype.GetOperatorName()
g_binop_precedence[operator] = self.prototype.precedence
# Create a new basic block to start insertion into.
block = function.append_basic_block('entry')
global g_llvm_builder
g_llvm_builder =
# Add all arguments to the symbol table and create their allocas.
# Finish off the function.
return_value = self.body.CodeGen()
# Validate the generated code, checking for consistency.
# Optimize the function.
if self.prototype.IsBinaryOp():
del g_binop_precedence[self.prototype.GetOperatorName()]
return function
class Parser(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.tokens = tokens
# Provide a simple token buffer. Parser.current is the current token the
# parser is looking at. Parser.Next() reads another token from the lexer and
# updates Parser.current with its results.
def Next(self):
self.current =
# Gets the precedence of the current token, or -1 if the token is not a
# binary operator.
def GetCurrentTokenPrecedence(self):
if isinstance(self.current, CharacterToken):
return g_binop_precedence.get(self.current.char, -1)
return -1
# identifierexpr ::= identifier | identifier '(' expression* ')'
def ParseIdentifierExpr(self):
identifier_name =
self.Next() # eat identifier.
if self.current != CharacterToken('('): # Simple variable reference.
return VariableExpressionNode(identifier_name)
# Call.
self.Next() # eat '('.
args = []
if self.current != CharacterToken(')'):
while True:
if self.current == CharacterToken(')'):
elif self.current != CharacterToken(','):
raise RuntimeError('Expected ")" or "," in argument list.')
self.Next() # eat ')'.
return CallExpressionNode(identifier_name, args)
# numberexpr ::= number
def ParseNumberExpr(self):
result = NumberExpressionNode(self.current.value)
self.Next() # consume the number.
return result
# parenexpr ::= '(' expression ')'
def ParseParenExpr(self):
self.Next() # eat '('.
contents = self.ParseExpression()
if self.current != CharacterToken(')'):
raise RuntimeError('Expected ")".')
self.Next() # eat ')'.
return contents
# ifexpr ::= 'if' expression 'then' expression 'else' expression
def ParseIfExpr(self):
self.Next() # eat the if.
# condition.
condition = self.ParseExpression()
if not isinstance(self.current, ThenToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "then".')
self.Next() # eat the then.
then_branch = self.ParseExpression()
if not isinstance(self.current, ElseToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "else".')
self.Next() # eat the else.
else_branch = self.ParseExpression()
return IfExpressionNode(condition, then_branch, else_branch)
# forexpr ::= 'for' identifier '=' expr ',' expr (',' expr)? 'in' expression
def ParseForExpr(self):
self.Next() # eat the for.
if not isinstance(self.current, IdentifierToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected identifier after for.')
loop_variable =
self.Next() # eat the identifier.
if self.current != CharacterToken('='):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "=" after for variable.')
self.Next() # eat the '='.
start = self.ParseExpression()
if self.current != CharacterToken(','):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "," after for start value.')
self.Next() # eat the ','.
end = self.ParseExpression()
# The step value is optional.
if self.current == CharacterToken(','):
self.Next() # eat the ','.
step = self.ParseExpression()
step = None
if not isinstance(self.current, InToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "in" after for variable '
self.Next() # eat 'in'.
body = self.ParseExpression()
return ForExpressionNode(loop_variable, start, end, step, body)
# varexpr ::= 'var' (identifier ('=' expression)?)+ 'in' expression
def ParseVarExpr(self):
self.Next() # eat 'var'.
variables = {}
# At least one variable name is required.
if not isinstance(self.current, IdentifierToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected identifier after "var".')
while True:
var_name =
self.Next() # eat the identifier.
# Read the optional initializer.
if self.current == CharacterToken('='):
self.Next() # eat '='.
variables[var_name] = self.ParseExpression()
variables[var_name] = None
# End of var list, exit loop.
if self.current != CharacterToken(','):
self.Next() # eat ','.
if not isinstance(self.current, IdentifierToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected identifier after "," in a var '
# At this point, we have to have 'in'.
if not isinstance(self.current, InToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "in" keyword after "var".')
self.Next() # eat 'in'.
body = self.ParseExpression()
return VarExpressionNode(variables, body)
# primary ::=
# dentifierexpr | numberexpr | parenexpr | ifexpr | forexpr | varexpr
def ParsePrimary(self):
if isinstance(self.current, IdentifierToken):
return self.ParseIdentifierExpr()
elif isinstance(self.current, NumberToken):
return self.ParseNumberExpr()
elif isinstance(self.current, IfToken):
return self.ParseIfExpr()
elif isinstance(self.current, ForToken):
return self.ParseForExpr()
elif isinstance(self.current, VarToken):
return self.ParseVarExpr()
elif self.current == CharacterToken('('):
return self.ParseParenExpr()
raise RuntimeError('Unknown token when expecting an expression.')
# unary ::= primary | unary_operator unary
def ParseUnary(self):
# If the current token is not an operator, it must be a primary
# expression.
if (not isinstance(self.current, CharacterToken) or
self.current in [CharacterToken('('), CharacterToken(',')]):
return self.ParsePrimary()
# If this is a unary operator, read it.
operator = self.current.char
self.Next() # eat the operator.
return UnaryExpressionNode(operator, self.ParseUnary())
# binoprhs ::= (binary_operator unary)*
def ParseBinOpRHS(self, left, left_precedence):
# If this is a binary operator, find its precedence.
while True:
precedence = self.GetCurrentTokenPrecedence()
# If this is a binary operator that binds at least as tightly as
# the current one, consume it; otherwise we are done.
if precedence < left_precedence:
return left
binary_operator = self.current.char
self.Next() # eat the operator.
# Parse the unary expression after the binary operator.
right = self.ParseUnary()
# If binary_operator binds less tightly with right than the
# operator after right, let the pending operator take right as
# its left.
next_precedence = self.GetCurrentTokenPrecedence()
if precedence < next_precedence:
right = self.ParseBinOpRHS(right, precedence + 1)
# Merge left/right.
left = BinaryOperatorExpressionNode(binary_operator, left, right)
# expression ::= unary binoprhs
def ParseExpression(self):
left = self.ParseUnary()
return self.ParseBinOpRHS(left, 0)
# prototype
# ::= id '(' id* ')'
# ::= binary LETTER number? (id, id)
# ::= unary LETTER (id)
def ParsePrototype(self):
precedence = None
if isinstance(self.current, IdentifierToken):
kind = 'normal'
function_name =
self.Next() # eat function name.
elif isinstance(self.current, UnaryToken):
kind = 'unary'
self.Next() # eat 'unary'.
if not isinstance(self.current, CharacterToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected an operator after "unary".')
function_name = 'unary' + self.current.char
self.Next() # eat the operator.
elif isinstance(self.current, BinaryToken):
kind = 'binary'
self.Next() # eat 'binary'.
if not isinstance(self.current, CharacterToken):
raise RuntimeError('Expected an operator after "binary".')
function_name = 'binary' + self.current.char
self.Next() # eat the operator.
if isinstance(self.current, NumberToken):
if not 1 <= self.current.value <= 100:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid precedence: must be in '
'range [1, 100].')
precedence = self.current.value
self.Next() # eat the precedence.
raise RuntimeError('Expected function name, "unary" or "binary" in '
if self.current != CharacterToken('('):
raise RuntimeError('Expected "(" in prototype.')
self.Next() # eat '('.
arg_names = []
while isinstance(self.current, IdentifierToken):
if self.current != CharacterToken(')'):
raise RuntimeError('Expected ")" in prototype.')
# Success.
self.Next() # eat ')'.
if kind == 'unary' and len(arg_names) != 1:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of arguments for a unary '
elif kind == 'binary' and len(arg_names) != 2:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of arguments for a binary '
return PrototypeNode(function_name, arg_names, kind != 'normal',
# definition ::= 'def' prototype expression
def ParseDefinition(self):
self.Next() # eat def.
proto = self.ParsePrototype()
body = self.ParseExpression()
return FunctionNode(proto, body)
# toplevelexpr ::= expression
def ParseTopLevelExpr(self):
proto = PrototypeNode('', [])
return FunctionNode(proto, self.ParseExpression())
# external ::= 'extern' prototype
def ParseExtern(self):
self.Next() # eat extern.
return self.ParsePrototype()
# Top-Level parsing
def HandleDefinition(self):
self.Handle(self.ParseDefinition, 'Read a function definition:')
def HandleExtern(self):
self.Handle(self.ParseExtern, 'Read an extern:')
def HandleTopLevelExpression(self):
function = self.ParseTopLevelExpr().CodeGen()
result = g_llvm_executor.run_function(function, [])
print 'Evaluated to:', result.as_real(Type.double())
except Exception, e:
raise#print 'Error:', e
self.Next() # Skip for error recovery.
def Handle(self, function, message):
print message, function().CodeGen()
except Exception, e:
raise#print 'Error:', e
self.Next() # Skip for error recovery.
def handle(raw):
parser = Parser(Tokenize(raw))
while True:
# top ::= definition | external | expression | EOF
if isinstance(parser.current, EOFToken):
if isinstance(parser.current, DefToken):
elif isinstance(parser.current, ExternToken):
def main():
# Set up the optimizer pipeline. Start with registering info about how the
# target lays out data structures.
# Promote allocas to registers.
# Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzns.
# Reassociate expressions.
# Eliminate Common SubExpressions.
# Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable blocks, etc).
# Install standard binary operators.
# 1 is lowest possible precedence. 40 is the highest.
g_binop_precedence['='] = 2
g_binop_precedence['<'] = 10
g_binop_precedence['+'] = 20
g_binop_precedence['-'] = 20
g_binop_precedence['*'] = 40
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
while True:
print 'ready>',
raw = raw_input()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Print out all of the generated code.
#print '', g_llvm_module
if __name__ == '__main__':
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