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Created November 26, 2013 20:06
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Simple PHP Puppet setup
group { 'puppet':
ensure => present,
class initial_setup {
exec { 'apt-get update':
command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update',
package { "essential-packages":
name => [
ensure => installed,
require => Exec["apt-get update"]
class install_php {
include initial_setup
exec { "ppa-ondrej-php5":
command => "/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5",
creates => "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ondrej-php5-precise.list",
require => Package["essential-packages"]
exec { "apt-update-again":
command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
require => Exec["ppa-ondrej-php5"],
unless => "/usr/bin/test -f /usr/bin/php"
# Install PHP
package { "php":
name => [
ensure => installed,
require => Exec['apt-update-again']
class remove_apache {
package { 'apache2-mpm-prefork':
ensure => 'absent'
package { 'apache2-utils':
ensure => 'absent'
package { 'apache2.2-bin':
ensure => 'absent'
package { 'apache2.2-common':
ensure => 'absent'
package { 'libapache2-mod-php5':
ensure => 'absent'
class do_composer {
class { 'composer':
command_name => 'composer',
target_dir => '/usr/local/bin'
exec { '/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan -H >> /home/vagrant/.ssh/known_hosts': }
exec { '/usr/local/bin/composer install --dev':
cwd => '/vagrant',
require => Class['composer'],
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -f /vagrant/composer.json',
class dev {
include initial_setup, install_php, do_composer, remove_apache, do_composer
Class['initial_setup'] -> Class['remove_apache'] -> Class['install_php'] -> Class['do_composer']
include dev
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