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Created December 1, 2022 16:42
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ShareToRoku normalization pipeline
public RokuSearchInfo parse(String input, UserChannelSet channels) {
// 1. PARSE
String trimmed = input.trim();
RokuSearchInfo info = null;
try {
info = tvdbParser.parse(input, channels);
if (info == null) info = urlParser.parse(input, channels);
if (info == null) info = syntaxParser.parse(input, channels);
catch (Exception eParse) {
log.warning(Easy.exMsg(eParse, "parsers", true));
info = null;
if (info == null) {
info = new RokuSearchInfo();
info.Search = trimmed;"Default RokuSearchInfo: " + info.toString());
// 2. REFINE
tryRefine(info, channels, rokuRefiner, "rokuRefiner");
tryRefine(info, channels, wikiRefiner, "wikiRefiner");
tryRefine(info, channels, fixupRefiner, "fixupRefiner");
// 3. RETURN"FINAL [%s] -> %s", trimmed, info));
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