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Created July 31, 2011 14:43
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Comparison of Arrow and Applicative classes by implementing file IO
example from
rewritten using Applicative instance from
module ArrowVsApplicative where
import Prelude hiding ( id, (.) )
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
data IORWA a b = IORWA [FilePath] (a -> IO b)
instance Category IORWA where
id = IORWA [] return
IORWA sa actionA . IORWA sb actionB =
IORWA (sa ++ sb) (\x -> actionB x >>= actionA)
instance Arrow IORWA where
arr f = IORWA [] $ return . f
first (IORWA s action) =
IORWA s $ \(x,k) -> do x' <- action x
return (x',k)
instance ArrowChoice IORWA where
left (IORWA files action) =
IORWA files $ either (fmap Left . action) (return . Right)
instance Functor (IORWA a) where
fmap f (IORWA files action) = IORWA files (fmap f . action)
instance Applicative (IORWA a) where
pure x = IORWA [] (const (return x))
IORWA as f <*> IORWA bs x = IORWA (as ++ bs) (\t -> f t <*> x t)
writeFileA :: FilePath -> IORWA String ()
writeFileA path = IORWA [path] $ \s -> writeFile path s
readFileA :: FilePath -> IORWA () String
readFileA path = IORWA [path] $ \_ -> readFile path
copy :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IORWA () ()
copy from to = writeFileA to . readFileA from
catArr :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IORWA () ()
catArr infiles outfile = writeFilesArr outfile . readFilesArr infiles
readFilesArr :: [FilePath] -> IORWA () [String]
readFilesArr [] = arr (const [])
readFilesArr (f:fs) = (readFileA f &&& readFilesArr fs) >>> arr (uncurry (:))
writeFilesArr :: FilePath -> IORWA [String] ()
writeFilesArr file =
arr viewList >>> (id ||| ((writeFileA file *** writeFilesArr file)
>>> arr (const ())))
viewList [] = Left ()
viewList (x:xs) = Right (x,xs)
catApp :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IORWA () ()
catApp infiles outfile = writeFilesApp outfile . readFilesApp infiles
readFilesApp :: [FilePath] -> IORWA () [String]
readFilesApp [] = pure []
readFilesApp (f:fs) = (:) <$> readFileA f <*> readFilesApp fs
writeFilesApp :: FilePath -> IORWA [String] ()
writeFilesApp file = undefined
cat2Arr :: (FilePath,FilePath) -> FilePath -> IORWA () ()
cat2Arr (in1,in2) out = write2Arr out . read2Arr (in1,in2)
read2Arr :: (FilePath,FilePath) -> IORWA () (String,String)
read2Arr (in1,in2) = readFileA in1 &&& readFileA in2
write2Arr :: FilePath -> IORWA (String,String) ()
write2Arr file = writeFileA file *** writeFileA file >>> arr (const ())
cat2App :: (FilePath,FilePath) -> FilePath -> IORWA () ()
cat2App (in1,in2) out = write2App out . read2App (in1,in2)
read2App :: (FilePath,FilePath) -> IORWA () (String,String)
read2App (in1,in2) = (,) <$> readFileA in1 <*> readFileA in2
write2App :: FilePath -> IORWA (String,String) ()
write2App file = undefined
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