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Last active March 2, 2021 00:32
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Group by chipset object problem
//Given an array of VIZIO TV models, create a "groupByChipset" function
//that aggregates the model names by their "chipset" field:
//Example input:
const tvs = [
"modelName": "VIZIO D24f-F1",
"chipset": "5581"
"modelName": "VIZIO V405-H9",
"chipset": "5691"
"modelName": "VIZIO V405-H8",
"chipset": "5691"
//Example output:
const tvs = {
"5581": ["VIZIO D24f-F1"],
"5691": ["VIZIO V405-H9, VIZIO V405-H8"]
const groupByChipset = (tvs) =>
tvs.reduce( (acc, tv) => {
const model = tv['modelName']
const chipset = tv['chipset']
chipsetModels = acc[chipset] ?? [model]
if (!chipsetModels.includes(model)) {
acc[chipset] = chipsetModels
return acc
}, {})
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