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Created February 3, 2022 11:46
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use async_trait::async_trait;
use ic_cdk::api::call::CallResult;
use ic_cdk::call;
use ic_cdk::export::candid::{CandidType, Deserialize, Int, Nat, Principal};
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct SonicTokenInfo {
pub id: String,
pub name: String,
pub symbol: String,
pub decimals: u8,
pub fee: Nat,
pub totalSupply: Nat,
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct SonicPairInfo {
pub id: String,
pub token0: String,
pub token1: String,
pub creator: Principal,
pub reserve0: Nat,
pub reserve1: Nat,
pub price0CumulativeLast: Nat,
pub price1CumulativeLast: Nat,
pub kLast: Nat,
pub blockTimestampLast: Int,
pub totalSupply: Nat,
pub lptoken: String,
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct SonicUserInfo {
pub balances: Vec<(Principal, Nat)>,
pub lpBalances: Vec<(String, Nat)>,
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct SonicSwapInfo {
pub owner: Principal,
pub cycles: Nat,
pub tokens: Vec<SonicTokenInfo>,
pub pairs: Vec<SonicPairInfo>,
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum MotokoResult<T, E> {
pub type SonicTxReceipt = MotokoResult<Nat, String>;
impl<T, E> MotokoResult<T, E> {
pub fn to_res(self) -> Result<T, E> {
match self {
MotokoResult::ok(t) => Ok(t),
MotokoResult::err(e) => Err(e),
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum SonicDetailValue {
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
pub struct SonicTxRecord {
pub caller: Principal,
pub operation: String,
pub details: Vec<(String, SonicDetailValue)>,
pub time: u64,
pub trait Sonic {
// ------------ SWAP API --------------
async fn swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens(
amount_in: Nat,
amount_out_min: Nat,
path: Vec<String>,
to: Principal,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn swap_tokens_for_exact_tokens(
amount_out: Nat,
amount_in_max: Nat,
path: Vec<String>,
to: Principal,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn get_pair(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
) -> CallResult<(Option<SonicPairInfo>,)>;
async fn get_all_pairs(&self) -> CallResult<(Vec<SonicPairInfo>,)>;
async fn get_num_pairs(&self) -> CallResult<(Nat,)>;
// -------------- LIQUIDITY API ----------------
async fn add_liquidity(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
amount0_desired: Nat,
amount1_desired: Nat,
amount0_min: Nat,
amount1_min: Nat,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn remove_liquidity(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
lp_amount: Nat,
amount0_min: Nat,
amount1_min: Nat,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn get_user_LP_balances(&self, user: Principal) -> CallResult<(Vec<(String, Nat)>,)>;
// ------------------ ASSETS API -------------------
async fn add_token(&self, token_id: Principal) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn create_pair(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn deposit(&self, token_id: Principal, value: Nat) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn withdraw(&self, token_id: Principal, value: Nat) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn transfer(&self, token_id: String, to: Principal, value: Nat) -> CallResult<(bool,)>;
async fn approve(
token_id: String,
spender: Principal,
value: Nat,
) -> CallResult<(bool,)>;
async fn transfer_from(
token_id: String,
from: Principal,
to: Principal,
value: Nat,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)>;
async fn get_supported_token_list(&self) -> CallResult<(SonicTokenInfo,)>;
async fn balance_of(&self, token_id: String, who: Principal) -> CallResult<(Nat,)>;
async fn allowance(
token_id: String,
owner: Principal,
spender: Principal,
) -> CallResult<(Nat,)>;
async fn total_supply(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(Nat,)>;
async fn name(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(String,)>;
async fn decimals(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(Nat,)>;
async fn symbol(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(String,)>;
// ------------------- OTHER API ----------------------
async fn get_user_info(&self, user: Principal) -> CallResult<(SonicUserInfo,)>;
async fn get_swap_info(&self) -> CallResult<(SonicSwapInfo,)>;
impl Sonic for Principal {
async fn swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens(
amount_in: Nat,
amount_out_min: Nat,
path: Vec<String>,
to: Principal,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
(amount_in, amount_out_min, path, to, deadline),
async fn swap_tokens_for_exact_tokens(
amount_out: Nat,
amount_in_max: Nat,
path: Vec<String>,
to: Principal,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
(amount_out, amount_in_max, path, to, deadline),
async fn get_pair(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
) -> CallResult<(Option<SonicPairInfo>,)> {
call(*self, "getPair", (token0, token1)).await
async fn get_all_pairs(&self) -> CallResult<(Vec<SonicPairInfo>,)> {
call(*self, "getAllPairs", ()).await
async fn get_num_pairs(&self) -> CallResult<(Nat,)> {
call(*self, "getNumPairs", ()).await
async fn add_liquidity(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
amount0_desired: Nat,
amount1_desired: Nat,
amount0_min: Nat,
amount1_min: Nat,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
async fn remove_liquidity(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
lp_amount: Nat,
amount0_min: Nat,
amount1_min: Nat,
deadline: Int,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
async fn get_user_LP_balances(&self, user: Principal) -> CallResult<(Vec<(String, Nat)>,)> {
call(*self, "getUserLPBalances", (user,)).await
async fn add_token(&self, token_id: Principal) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
call(*self, "addToken", (token_id,)).await
async fn create_pair(
token0: Principal,
token1: Principal,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
call(*self, "createPair", (token0, token1)).await
async fn deposit(&self, token_id: Principal, value: Nat) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
call(*self, "deposit", (token_id, value)).await
async fn withdraw(&self, token_id: Principal, value: Nat) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
call(*self, "withdraw", (token_id, value)).await
async fn transfer(&self, token_id: String, to: Principal, value: Nat) -> CallResult<(bool,)> {
call(*self, "transfer", (token_id, to, value)).await
async fn approve(
token_id: String,
spender: Principal,
value: Nat,
) -> CallResult<(bool,)> {
call(*self, "approve", (token_id, spender, value)).await
async fn transfer_from(
token_id: String,
from: Principal,
to: Principal,
value: Nat,
) -> CallResult<(SonicTxReceipt,)> {
call(*self, "transferFrom", (token_id, from, to, value)).await
async fn get_supported_token_list(&self) -> CallResult<(SonicTokenInfo,)> {
call(*self, "getSupportedTokenList", ()).await
async fn balance_of(&self, token_id: String, who: Principal) -> CallResult<(Nat,)> {
call(*self, "balanceOf", (token_id, who)).await
async fn allowance(
token_id: String,
owner: Principal,
spender: Principal,
) -> CallResult<(Nat,)> {
call(*self, "allowance", (token_id, owner, spender)).await
async fn total_supply(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(Nat,)> {
call(*self, "totalSupply", (token_id,)).await
async fn name(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(String,)> {
call(*self, "name", (token_id,)).await
async fn decimals(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(Nat,)> {
call(*self, "decimals", (token_id,)).await
async fn symbol(&self, token_id: String) -> CallResult<(String,)> {
call(*self, "symbol", (token_id,)).await
async fn get_user_info(&self, user: Principal) -> CallResult<(SonicUserInfo,)> {
call(*self, "getUserInfo", (user,)).await
async fn get_swap_info(&self) -> CallResult<(SonicSwapInfo,)> {
call(*self, "getSwapInfo", ()).await
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