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Created March 18, 2015 01:30
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import math
import nltk
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from scipy import linalg
stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
df = pd.read_csv('Reuters/r52-train-stemmed.txt', sep='\t', names=['cat', 'text'], index_col=False)
docs = df['text'][0:2000]
print len(docs)
#print alksdjf
#term_indices, corpus_bag, doc_bags = find_frequencies(docs)
def find_frequencies(docs):
term_indices = {} ## This is #1 above
currentIndex = 0 ## This is the counter to make sure we correctly populate the term indices in order
corpus_bag = {} ## This is #2 above
doc_bags = [] ## This is the collection for #3 above
numdocs = len(list(docs.iteritems()))
for i, doc in docs.iteritems():
print '%5d / %5s' % (int(i), numdocs)
doc_bag = {} ## This is the dictionary of term frequencies for the doc we're currently examining, doc_bags stores a collection of these
## TODO: Tokenize each document with nltk
doc_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(doc)
## TODO: For each token in the current document:
for word in doc_tokens:
## Optionally ignore stopword and continue
## Throw out stopwords
##if word in stopwords:
## continue
## If the word is new (not in term_indices):
if word not in term_indices:
## add it to term_indices and give it the index value currentIndex, increment currentIndex
term_indices[word] = currentIndex
currentIndex += 1
## add it to the corpus_bag with count 1
corpus_bag[word] = 1
## add it to the current doc_bag with count 1
doc_bag[word] = 1
## If the word is not new:
## increment the corpus_bag
corpus_bag[word] = corpus_bag[word] + 1
## If the word is already in the doc_bag, increment that counter, else set it to 1
if word in doc_bag:
doc_bag[word] = doc_bag[word] + 1
doc_bag[word] = 1
return term_indices, corpus_bag, doc_bags
term_indices, corpus_bag, doc_bags = find_frequencies(docs)
print len(term_indices)
print term_indices['cocoa']
print len(corpus_bag)
print corpus_bag['cocoa']
print len(doc_bags[0])
print doc_bags[0]
## Implement a function that uses the corpus_bag and doc_bags found above to compute the global weighting (idf) term
def compute_global_weight(corpus_bag, doc_bags):
global_weights = {} ## A dictionary of term --> global weight (the idf components) using entropy weighting
## TODO: Define a variable logn which is the log base 2 of the number of documents in the set
logn = math.log(len(doc_bags), 2)
## TODO: For each term:
for i, term in enumerate(corpus_bag):
print i, len(corpus_bag)
## Start the global weight at 1
global_weight = 1
## Compute the global count from corpus_bag
global_count = corpus_bag[term]
## For each doc_bag:
for doc_bag in doc_bags:
## If the term is in it, calculate p_ij and decrease the global weight by p_ij * log(p_ij) / logn
if term in doc_bag:
local_count = doc_bag[term] + 0.0
pij = local_count/global_count
global_weight += pij*math.log(pij,2)/logn
## Add this term's global weight to your global_weights dict
global_weights[term] = global_weight
return global_weights
global_weights = compute_global_weight(corpus_bag, doc_bags)
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