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Last active November 18, 2018 08:06
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dialogflow_get_intent with kintone
exports.handler = (context, event, callback) => {
// メモ:事前にFunctions->設定->npmでdialogflowを導入しておく必要がある
// メモ:gcpよりService account keyのjsonを手に入れAssetsで「プライベート」でアップロードしておく
console.log('Event: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
const kintone = require('kintone-nodejs-sdk');
let appID = kintoneのアプリのIDをいれてね!;
let myDomainName = '自分のkintoneのURLをいれてね!';
let APIToken = 'kintoneアプリのAPIトークンを発行していれてね!'; // your API Token
let kintoneAuth = new kintone.Auth();
// DialogFlow エージェント・認証の指定
const projectId = 'すきなエージェントの名前をいれてね!';
let keypath = Runtime.getAssets()['すきなエージェントと関連付けられたkeyファイルを指定してね!'].path;
let kintoneConnection = new kintone.Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth);
// DialogFlow 変数設定
const sessionId = event.call_sid;
const query = event.speech_results;
const languageCode = 'ja-JP';
// Instantiate a DialogFlow client.
const dialogflow = require('dialogflow');
const sessionClient = new dialogflow.SessionsClient();
// Define session path
const sessionPath = sessionClient.sessionPath(projectId, sessionId);
// The text query request.
const request = {
session: sessionPath,
queryInput: {
text: {
text: query,
languageCode: languageCode,
// Send request and log result
.then(responses => {
const result = responses[0].queryResult;
console.log(`Query: ${result.queryText}`);
console.log(`Response: ${result.fulfillmentText}`);
let recordData = {
"Customer": {
"value": event.from
'Detail': {
'value': result.intent.displayName
kintoneRecord.addRecord(appID, recordData)
.then((rsp) => {
.catch((err) => {
// This SDK return err with KintoneAPIExeption
let status;
if (result.allRequiredParamsPresent) {
status = 'complete';
else {
status = 'in-progress';
const intent_response = result.fulfillmentText;
const returnJson = {'status': status, 'intent_response': intent_response, 'intent_name': result.intent.displayName};
callback(null, returnJson);
.catch(err => {
console.error('ERROR:', err);
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