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Created July 3, 2014 23:05
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Minimal vim configuration for root user
" This is my minimal Vim configuration file I usually save as `/root/.vimrc`
" for the occasions when I'm logged in as root user and I need to edit files
" (this doesn't usually happen, but when it happens, I have vim configuration
" that makes sense).
" It doesn't require any plugins and aims to work with minimal Vim installation
" Forget compatibility with VI
set nocompatible
" Encoding {{{
set encoding=utf-8 " encoding for editing a file
set fileencoding=utf-8 " encoding for writing to a file
" }}}
" Filetype {{{
filetype off
filetype indent on
filetype plugin on
syntax on
" }}}
" Abbreviations and Shortcuts {{{
" Override <leader> defaults
let mapleader = ","
let maplocalleader = ","
" Lower the timeout after typing the leader key + command
set timeoutlen=500
" ABBREVIATIONS - commands typed in CLI (after colon)
" -------------------------------
" Open current file in Firefox - syntax may differ from one OS to another
abbrev ff :!firefox % &<cr>
" IMAPS - Insert mode shortcuts
" -------------------------------
" Shortcut for ESC
imap jj <esc>
" NMAPS - Normal Mode shortcuts
" -------------------------------
" let semi-colon function as colon (switch to command mode)
nmap ; :
" fast .VIMRC edit
nmap <leader>ev :tabedit $MYVIMRC<cr>
" Quickly cancel highlighted selection
nmap <leader>h :nohlsearch<cr>
" Reload files
nmap <leader>r :checktime<cr>
" Disable arrow keys to improve moving around with h,j,k,l
" Taken from
inoremap <Up> <NOP>
vnoremap <Up> <NOP>
inoremap <Down> <NOP>
vnoremap <Down> <NOP>
inoremap <Left> <NOP>
inoremap <Right> <NOP>
vnoremap <Left> <NOP>
vnoremap <Right> <NOP>
" B-A-<start> almost a Konami code:)
" Override read-only permissions with sudo password
cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
" Prevent from entering Ex mode
nnoremap Q <nop>
" }}}
" Files & Buffers {{{
" Write the old file when switching between files
set autowrite
" Switch between buffers without saving
set hidden
" No swap files
set noswapfile
" File names auto-completion
" first TAB completes as much as possible
" second TAB provides a list
" third and subsequent will cycle through completion options
set wildmode=longest,list,full
set wildmenu
" Apply new configuration after .VIMRC is saved
autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source %
" Automatically change current directory to that of the file in the buffer
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h " Better alternative to `autochdir`
" Custom Filetypes
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.less, set filetype=css " Recognize .less files as .css
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.scss set filetype=css " Recognize .scss files as .css
" Shortcut for deleting all buffers
nmap <silent> <leader>da :exec "1," . bufnr('$') . "bd"<cr>
" Force spell check when writing a git commit
" source:
if bufname("%")=="COMMIT_EDITMSG"
set spell
set spelllang=en
" }}}
" UI stuff {{{
set t_Co=256 " Enable 256 colors mode
" Select colorscheme from ~/.vim/colors/
colorscheme desert
" Show lines numbers
set number
" show whitespace characters (tabs and line endings)
set list
" customize the way whitespace characters are shown
set listchars=tab:»\ ,eol:¶
"set relativenumber " Relative line numbering, works in VIM version 7.3 and higher
set linespace=3 " Higher line height - works only in GUI mode, not in terminal..
set laststatus=2 " Show status line
" Show additional helpful info (like number of selected lines) in the bottom right of the screen
set showcmd
" Keep current screen unmoved when creating new split screen
set splitbelow
set splitright
" Highlight the paired characters if one of them is under the cursor (like
" braces)
set showmatch
" Ignore case sensitivity when searching
set ignorecase
" Don't ignore case sensitivity when search pattern contains capital letters
set smartcase
" Add /g flag in search and replace by default
set gdefault
" Set incremental search - search when you type, very cool
set incsearch
" Highlight search - looks like it is enabled by default, but anyways
set hlsearch " use :nohlsearch to cancel highlighted selection
" Hide mouse when typing
set mousehide
" Flash screen instead of beeping
set visualbell
" Highlight current line
set cursorline
" Have some lines above/below the cursor when hitting the top or the bottom
" edge of the screen while scrolling
" source:
set scrolloff=5
" Set font for graphical vim
set guifont=Lucida_Console:h11
" Remove all toolbars/scrollbars from GUI version
set guioptions=aAc
set guioptions-=Be
set guioptions-=T
" Non-blinking, block cursor
set guicursor=a:blinkwait0,a:block-cursor
" Resize windows when switching between them
set winwidth=84
set winheight=5
set winminheight=5
set winheight=999
" }}}
" Indentation & Wrap {{{
set backspace=2 " make backspace work like most other apps
" make sure we can navigate very long lines as expected
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
" make sure we can indent blocks easily, enter Visual mode, select text block
" and press '>' and '<' as much as you need to indent it
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
" Hard-wrap paragraphs of text - very useful when pasting long lines
nnoremap <leader>q gqip
" Indentation
" Insert space characters whenever TAB pressed (use Ctrl-V<Tab> to insert real TAB)
set expandtab
set tabstop=2 " number of spaces when TAB pressed
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set expandtab
set smartindent
set autoindent
" Line wrapping
set wrap
set textwidth=79
set formatoptions=cqtl
set wrapmargin=0
set linebreak
" }}}
" Folding {{{
set foldenable
" Use fold-marker method
set foldmethod=marker
set foldmarker={{{,}}}
set foldtext=getline(v:foldstart)
" Save only fold info in views
set viewoptions=folds
" Auto-save the folds when saving file
au BufWinLeave * silent! mkview
" Auto-load the fold when opening file
au BufWinEnter * silent! loadview
" Fold GPG entries by default
autocmd BufWinEnter,BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg normal zM
" Don't screw up folds when inserting text that might affect them, until
" leaving insert mode. Foldmethod is local to the window.
autocmd InsertEnter * let w:last_fdm=&foldmethod | setlocal foldmethod=manual
autocmd InsertLeave * let &l:foldmethod=w:last_fdm
" }}}
" Code completion {{{
imap <Tab> <C-n>
imap <S-Tab> <C-p>
" imap <leader><tab> <C-x><C-o>
" set completeopt=longest,menuone
" inoremap <expr> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<C-g>u\<CR>"
" inoremap <expr> <C-n> pumvisible() ? '<C-n>' :
" \ '<C-n><C-r>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Down>" : ""<CR>'
" inoremap <expr> <M-,> pumvisible() ? '<C-n>' :
" \ '<C-x><C-o><C-n><C-p><C-r>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Down>" : ""<CR>'
" }}}
" Any local customizations should be made in .vimrc.local file
" you would most likely create .vimrc.local in the same dir with your $MYVIMRC file
let $VIMHOME=expand('<sfile>:p:h')
if filereadable(expand('$VIMHOME/.vimrc.local'))
source $VIMHOME/.vimrc.local
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