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#!/usr/bin/env node
* fizzBuzz
var fizzBuzz = function(low, high) {
var result = [];
var fizzBuzz = require('../fizzbuzz')
, should = require('chai').should();
describe('FizzBuzz Challenge', function() {
it('should print "fizz" for multiples of 3', function() {
#!/usr/bin/env node
* fizzBuzz
var fizzBuzz = function(low, high) {
var result = [];

Software Development and Product Support in Wichita

Reason for being here

  • Find others interested in development (Seth)
  • Answer questions about software (Luis)
  • How to communicate with developers
  • Product coming to market, need help upgrading software
  • Understanding how to measure cost of development jobs
  • What’s involved in maintaining software and cultivating happy customers (after launch)
  • What does the community have to offer, technology specific
var fs = require('fs'),
Readable = require('stream').Readable,
http = require('http'),
port = 4000,
count = 0,
server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
var stream = new Readable;
mongoimport --db mean-dev --collection users --file {filename} --jsonArray
mongoimport --db mean-dev --collection topics --file {filename} --jsonArray
mongoimport --db mean-dev --collection topics --file {filename} --jsonArray
"__t": "Event",
"title": "ICT Unconference",
"content": "Dolor blanditiis qui exercitationem esse suscipit labore reprehenderit! Quam dolor odit recusandae mollitia quia. Facilis illo provident quod accusantium molestiae. Lorem unde natus doloremque officiis ad dolores reprehenderit temporibus dolorum voluptatibus! Suscipit soluta voluptate ratione!",
"startTime" : "2014-04-02",
"url": ""
"__t": "Event",
'use strict';
.factory('Geolocation', ['$q', '$rootScope', function Geolocation ($q, $rootScope) {
return {
getPosition: function () {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (navigator.geolocation) {
$rootScope.$apply(function () {