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Last active March 3, 2016 07:50
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Save sgur/af36b9c4a2a4838762ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. から検索してきて quickfix や previewwindow で表示する
" Description:
" から利用例を検索し previewwindow か quickfix に放流する
" Requirement:
" - webapi-vim <>
" - http://... で始まる URL を edit できるプラグイン (ex. netrw)
" Usage:
" :CmdFuPreviewUsing {cmd}
" {cmd} を利用した例を取得し previewwindow に表示
" :CmdFuQuickfixUsing {cmd}
" {cmd} を利用した例を取得し quickfix に表示
" :CmdFuPreviewMatching {term}
" {term} にマッチした例を取得し previewwindow に表示
" :CmdFuQuickfixMatching {term}
" {term} にマッチした例を取得し quickfix に表示
" :CmdFu [-quickfix] [-matching] {term}
" -quickfix: quickfix に表示 (デフォルト: 未指定時は previewwindow に表示)
" -matching: 単語にマッチする例を検索 (デフォルト: 未指定時はコマンドの使用例)scriptencoding utf-8
if exists('g:loaded_commandlinefu') && g:loaded_commandlinefu
let g:loaded_commandlinefu = 1
if !exists('#BufReadCmd#http://*')
echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg '"http://*" handler required' | echohl NONE
call webapi#base64#b64encode('')
call webapi#json#decode('{}')
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg 'webapi-vim required' | echohl NONE
" Internal {{{1
function! s:glob_shellcmds() abort "{{{
let raw_globbed = has('win32')
\ ? globpath(join(split($PATH, ';'), ','), '*.exe', 1, 1)
\ : globpath(join(split($PATH, ':'), ','), '*', 1, 1)
let sub_pattern = has('win32')
\ ? ':t:gs?\.exe??'
\ : ':t'
return uniq(sort(map(filter(raw_globbed, 'executable(v:val)'), 'fnamemodify(v:val, sub_pattern)')))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:result(path) abort "{{{
let url = printf(s:url_format, a:path, 'json')
let result = webapi#http#get(url)
if result.status is# '200'
return call(s:json_decode, [result.content])
endfunction "}}}
function! s:using(cmd) abort "{{{
return printf('using/%s', a:cmd)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:matching(term) abort "{{{
return printf('matching/%s/%s', a:term, webapi#base64#b64encode(a:term))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:quickfix_using(cmd) abort "{{{
let path = s:using(a:cmd)
call setqflist(map(s:result(path), "{
\ 'filename': printf(s:url_format, path, 'plaintext')
\ , 'pattern': v:val.summary
\ , 'col': 1
\ }"))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:quickfix_matching(term) abort "{{{
let path = s:matching(a:term)
let path = printf('matching/%s/%s', a:term, webapi#base64#b64encode(a:term))
call setqflist(map(s:result(path), "{
\ 'filename': printf(s:url_format, path, 'plaintext')
\ , 'pattern': v:val.summary
\ , 'col': 1
\ }"))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:preview_using(cmd) abort "{{{
silent execute 'pedit'
\ '+/' . escape(a:cmd, ' ')
\ printf(s:url_format, printf('using/%s', a:cmd), 'plaintext')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:preview_matching(term) abort "{{{
silent execute 'pedit'
\ '+/' . escape(a:term, ' ')
\ printf(s:url_format, printf('matching/%s/%s', a:term, webapi#base64#b64encode(a:term)), 'plaintext')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:commandline_fu(...) abort "{{{
let command = 'preview'
let method = 'using'
let args = copy(a:000)
let opt_quickfix = index(args, '-quickfix')
if opt_quickfix != -1
call remove(args, opt_quickfix)
let command = 'quickfix'
let opt_matching = index(args, '-matching')
if opt_matching != -1
call remove(args, opt_matching)
let method = 'matching'
call s:{command}_{method}(args[0])
endfunction "}}}
function! s:commandline_fu_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{
let opt_quickfix = a:cmdline =~# '-quickfix' ? [] : ['-quickfix']
let opt_matching = a:cmdline =~# '-matching' ? [] : ['-matching']
return filter(opt_quickfix + opt_matching + s:shellcmds, 'stridx(v:val, a:arglead) == 0')
endfunction "}}}
" Interface {{{1
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuQuickfixUsing call s:quickfix_using(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuQuickfixMatching call s:quickfix_matching(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuPreviewUsing call s:preview_using(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuPreviewMatching call s:preview_matching(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,s:commandline_fu_complete CmdFu call s:commandline_fu(<f-args>)
" Initialization {{{1
let s:json_decode = exists('*json_decode')
\ ? function('json_decode')
\ : function('webapi#json#decode')
let s:url_format = ''
let s:shellcmds = s:glob_shellcmds()
" 1}}}
scriptencoding utf-8
if exists('g:loaded_commandlinefu') && g:loaded_commandlinefu
let g:loaded_commandlinefu = 1
if !exists('#BufReadCmd#http://*')
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg '"http://*" handler required' | echohl NONE
call webapi#base64#b64encode('')
call webapi#json#decode('{}')
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg 'webapi-vim required' | echohl NONE
" Internal {{{1
function! s:glob_shellcmds() abort "{{{
let raw_globbed = has('win32')
\ ? globpath(join(split($PATH, ';'), ','), '*.exe', 1, 1)
\ : globpath(join(split($PATH, ':'), ','), '*', 1, 1)
let sub_pattern = has('win32')
\ ? ':t:gs?\.exe??'
\ : ':t'
return uniq(sort(map(filter(raw_globbed, 'executable(v:val)'), 'fnamemodify(v:val, sub_pattern)')))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:result(path) abort "{{{
let url = printf(s:url_format, a:path, 'json')
let result = webapi#http#get(url)
if result.status is# '200'
return call(s:json_decode, [result.content])
endfunction "}}}
function! s:using(cmd) abort "{{{
return printf('using/%s', a:cmd)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:matching(term) abort "{{{
return printf('matching/%s/%s', a:term, webapi#base64#b64encode(a:term))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:quickfix_using(cmd) abort "{{{
let path = s:using(a:cmd)
call setqflist(map(s:result(path), "{
\ 'filename': printf(s:url_format, path, 'plaintext')
\ , 'pattern': v:val.summary
\ , 'col': 1
\ }"))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:quickfix_matching(term) abort "{{{
let path = s:matching(a:term)
let path = printf('matching/%s/%s', a:term, webapi#base64#b64encode(a:term))
call setqflist(map(s:result(path), "{
\ 'filename': printf(s:url_format, path, 'plaintext')
\ , 'pattern': v:val.summary
\ , 'col': 1
\ }"))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:preview_using(cmd) abort "{{{
silent execute 'pedit'
\ '+/' . escape(a:cmd, ' ')
\ printf(s:url_format, printf('using/%s', a:cmd), 'plaintext')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:preview_matching(term) abort "{{{
silent execute 'pedit'
\ '+/' . escape(a:term, ' ')
\ printf(s:url_format, printf('matching/%s/%s', a:term, webapi#base64#b64encode(a:term)), 'plaintext')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:commandline_fu(...) abort "{{{
let command = 'preview'
let method = 'using'
let args = copy(a:000)
let opt_quickfix = index(args, '-quickfix')
if opt_quickfix != -1
call remove(args, opt_quickfix)
let command = 'quickfix'
let opt_matching = index(args, '-matching')
if opt_matching != -1
call remove(args, opt_matching)
let method = 'matching'
call s:{command}_{method}(args[0])
endfunction "}}}
function! s:commandline_fu_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{
let opt_quickfix = a:cmdline =~# '-quickfix' ? [] : ['-quickfix']
let opt_matching = a:cmdline =~# '-matching' ? [] : ['-matching']
return filter(opt_quickfix + opt_matching + s:shellcmds, 'stridx(v:val, a:arglead) == 0')
endfunction "}}}
" Interface {{{1
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuQuickfixUsing call s:quickfix_using(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuQuickfixMatching call s:quickfix_matching(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuPreviewUsing call s:preview_using(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd CmdFuPreviewMatching call s:preview_matching(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,s:commandline_fu_complete CmdFu call s:commandline_fu(<f-args>)
" Initialization {{{1
let s:json_decode = exists('*json_decode')
\ ? function('json_decode')
\ : function('webapi#json#decode')
let s:url_format = ''
let s:shellcmds = s:glob_shellcmds()
" 1}}}
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