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Created March 20, 2014 02:02
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Example of howto use the UCD rest api to update plugins from a directory of plugins, requires the requests library.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, requests, json, re
## requirements.txt:
# httplib2==0.8
# requests==2.0.1
# wsgiref==0.1.2
# hard coded
user = 'admin'
passwd = 'admin'
base_url = ''
rest_uri = '/rest/plugin/automationPlugin'
rest_uri_src= '/rest/plugin/sourceConfigPlugins'
plugin_dir = '~/Documents/UCD_Plugins_6.0.1/tmp/'
verbose = 1
delete_plugins = 1
## Simple helper method to print out some session and request info.
def print_h( r, s ):
print "r.request.headers: ", r.request.headers
print "s.cookies: ", s.cookies
print "r.headers: ", r.headers
print "r.text: ", r.text
def __main__():
s = requests.Session()
s.auth = ( user, passwd )
s.verify = False
r = s.get( base_url + '/security/user' )
my_c = r.headers['set-cookie']
if 'UCD_SESSION_KEY' in my_c:
m ='UCD_SESSION_KEY=(.{36});', my_c )
if m:
s.headers.update({'UCD_SESSION_KEY': })
url = base_url + rest_uri
## Look at the current plugins
r = s.get( url )
if r.status_code != 200:
print 'Something went wrong...'
print_h( r, s )
current_plugins = json.loads( r.text )
for plugin in current_plugins:
# {u'description': u'This plugin provides steps for launching instances, terminating instances, associating ip addresses, waiting for instances, creating a security group, and getting the public DNS for the Amazon EC2 tool.', u'pluginId': u'com.urbancode.air.plugin.AmazonEC2', u'versionNumber': 4, u'version': u'4.423632', u'ghostedDate': 0, u'id': u'4db7cc91-6993-4287-8cdd-a1e80ec1f5be', u'name': u'AmazonEC2'}
# print plugin
print plugin['id']
print plugin['name'], " (", plugin['version'], ")"
if verbose:
print plugin['pluginId']
print plugin['version']
print plugin['versionNumber']
print plugin['description'][0:100], "..."
print plugin['ghostedDate']
if delete_plugins:
print 'Deleting plugin.'
r = s.delete( url = base_url + rest_uri + '/' + plugin['id'] )
# print_h( r, s )
if r.status_code == 200:
print 'Success!'
print 'Something went wrong...'
print_h( r, s )
post_url = url + "?UCD_SESSION_KEY=" + s.headers['UCD_SESSION_KEY']
file_list = os.listdir( plugin_dir );
plugins_list = [ cur_file for cur_file in file_list if cur_file.endswith('.zip') ]
for cur_plugin in plugins_list:
print " Uploading: ", cur_plugin
files = {'file': ( cur_plugin , open( os.path.join( plugin_dir, cur_plugin) , 'rb'), 'application/zip', {'Expires': '0'})}
# continue
r =, files=files)
# print_h( r, s )
if r.status_code == 200:
print 'Success!'
print 'Something went wrong...'
print_h( r, s )
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