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Created February 2, 2024 09:58
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text formatting in bash script
# Function to format text as bold
boldText() {
tput bold
echo "$@"
tput sgr0
# Function to default color text as white
defaultText() {
tput setaf 97
echo "$@"
tput sgr0
# Function to success color text with green
successText() {
tput setaf 2
echo "$@"
tput sgr0
# Function to info color text with blue
infoText() {
tput setaf 4
echo "$@"
tput sgr0
# Function to error color text with red
errorText() {
tput setaf 1
echo "$@"
tput sgr0
# Usage exmaple for bold text:
echo $(boldText "Reading $ENV_FILE file.")
# Usage exmaple for bold text and success color:
echo $(boldText "$(successText "[DONE]:") Reading $ENV_FILE file.")
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