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Build a Static Site in Elixir Under 5 Minutes with Phoenix Components
Discover how to transform markdown into dynamic HTML using Phoenix components for a seamless static site experience.
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Shahryar Tavakkoli
Learn how to quickly build a static blog site using Elixir and Phoenix components. This guide covers converting markdown files to HTML, using MDEx, Nimble Publisher and rendering Phoenix components for a dynamic yet static blog experience.
static site, Elixir, Nimble Publisher, MDEx, Markdown in Elixir, Elixir Static blog, Build a blog in Elixir, Phoenix framework
def deps do [{:nimble_publisher, "~> 1.1"}] end
def deps do [{:mdex, "~> 0.2.0"}] end
def deps do [{:yaml_elixir, "~> 2.11"}] end
def deps do [{:html_entities, "~> 0.5.2"}] # or [{:floki, "~> 0.36.2"}] end
use NimblePublisher, build: __MODULE__.HTMLParser, parser: __MODULE__.HTMLParser, from: Application.app_dir(:mishka, "priv/articles/**/*.md"), as: :articles, html_converter: __MODULE__.MDExConverter, highlighters: [:makeup_eex, :makeup_elixir]
defmodule NotFoundError do defexception [:message, plug_status: 404] end alias Mishka.Blog.NotFoundError # The @articles variable is first defined by NimblePublisher. # Let's further modify it by sorting all articles by descending date. @articles Enum.sort_by(@articles, & &, {:desc, Date}) # Let's also get all tags @tags @articles |> Enum.flat_map(& &1.tags) |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.sort() # And finally export them def all_articles, do: @articles def all_tags, do: @tags def get_post_by_id!(id) do Enum.find(all_articles(), &(& == id)) || raise NotFoundError, "Unfortunately, the article you are looking for is not available on the Mishka website." end def get_posts_by_tag(tag) do Enum.filter(all_articles(), &(tag in &1.tags)) end def get_posts_by_author(author_name) do Enum.filter(all_articles(), &(author_name == &["full_name"])) end
# I got this code from: def parse(_path, contents) do ["---\n" <> yaml, body] = contents |> String.replace("\r\n", "\n") |> :binary.split(["\n---\n"]) {:ok, attrs} = YamlElixir.read_from_string(yaml) attrs =, fn {k, v} -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end) attrs = case :binary.split(body, ["\n<!-- excerpt -->\n"]) do [excerpt | [_ | _]] -> Map.put(attrs, :excerpt, String.trim(excerpt)) _ -> attrs end {attrs, body} end
def build(filename, attrs, body) do [year, month, day, id] = filename |> Path.basename(".md") |> String.split("-", parts: 4) date = Date.from_iso8601!("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}") body = body |> String.replace("<pre>", "<pre class=\"highlight\">") Logger.debug( "The desired content was copied with ID #{inspect(id)} for Mishka static Blog section." ) %__MODULE__{ id: id, headline: Map.get(attrs, :headline), title: attrs[:title], date: date, excerpt: attrs[:excerpt], draft: !!attrs[:draft], tags: Map.get(attrs, :tags, []), author: Map.get(attrs, :author, %{}), read_time: attrs[:read_time], description: attrs[:description], keywords: attrs[:keywords], image: attrs[:image], body: body } end
def convert(filepath, body, attrs, _opts) do if Path.extname(filepath) in [".md", ".markdown"] do to_html!(filepath, body, %{attrs: attrs}) |> String.replace( "<pre class=\"autumn-hl\" style=\"background-color: #282C34; color: #ABB2BF;\">", "<pre class=\"highlight\">" ) end end
def to_html!(filepath, markdown, assigns \\ %{}) do opts = [ extension: [ strikethrough: true, tagfilter: true, table: true, tasklist: true, footnotes: true, shortcodes: true ], parse: [ relaxed_tasklist_matching: true ], render: [ unsafe_: true ], features: [syntax_highlight_inline_style: false] ] markdown |> MDEx.to_html!(opts) |> unescape() |> render_heex!(filepath, assigns) end defp unescape(html) do ~r/(<pre.*?<\/pre>)/s |> Regex.split(html, include_captures: true) |> part -> if String.starts_with?(part, "<pre") do part else Floki.parse_document!(part) |> Floki.raw_html(encode: false) end end) |> Enum.join() end defp render_heex!(html, filepath, assigns) do env = env() opts = [ source: html, engine: Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine, tag_handler: Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLEngine, file: filepath, caller: env, line: 1, indentation: 0 ] {rendered, _} = html |> EEx.compile_string(opts) |> Code.eval_quoted([assigns: assigns], env) rendered |> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata() |> IO.iodata_to_binary() end defp env do import Phoenix.Component, warn: false import MishkaWeb.Components.Typography, warn: false ... __ENV__ end
Floki.parse_document!(part) |> Floki.raw_html(encode: false)
defp env do import Phoenix.Component, warn: false import MishkaWeb.Components.Typography, warn: false __ENV__ end
defmodule CustomContent do use Phoenix.Component # import MishkaWeb.Components.Typography, only: [h2: 1] @doc type: :component # For example: <!-- [YourComponentModule] --> # Component should be like: # # It should call <.custom_content conn={@conn} content={@post.body} /> def custom_content(assigns) do stream = Stream.cycle([:html, :live]) parts = :binary.split(assigns.content, ["<!-- [", "] -->"], [:global]) assigns = assigns |> assign(:parts,[stream, parts])) ~H""" <%= for p <- @parts do %> <%= case p do %> <% {:live, live} -> %> <%= live_render(@conn, Module.concat([live])) %> <% {:html, html} -> %> <%= Phoenix.HTML.raw(html) %> <% end %> <% end %> """ end end
<!-- [YourComponentModule] -->

Build a Static Site in Elixir Under 5 Minutes with Phoenix Components

<.heading2>Build a Static Site in Elixir Under 5 Minutes with Phoenix Components</.heading2>

<.cp>In this tutorial, you'll learn how to quickly build a static blog site using Elixir. This guide will walk you through converting <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files into in-memory content that can be rendered as a blog on your Elixir Phoenix website. You'll see how to use <.custom_inline_code>Phoenix components</.custom_inline_code> within your markdown files, which makes for rapid implementation and an impressive mix of static content and Phoenix components.</.cp>

If you’re as excited as I am, then yes, you can execute <.clink navigate="/chelekom">Phoenix components</.clink> —both stateless components and LiveView module the middle of an <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> file, and then convert and keep them as HTML in memory.

Libraries We'll Use in this article

<MishkaWeb.Components.List.list variant="transparent" size="medium" style="list-decimal" class="px-5"> <:item padding="small"> <.clink href="" target="_blank">Nimble_publisher</.clink> </:item> <:item padding="small"> <.clink href="" target="_blank">Mdex</.clink> </:item> <:item padding="small"> <.clink href="" target="_blank">Yaml_elixir</.clink> (optional) </:item> <:item padding="small"> <.clink href="" target="_blank">Html_entities</.clink> or <.clink href="" target="_blank">Floki</.clink> </:item> </MishkaWeb.Components.List.list>

<.custom_block position="left" color="success" class="my-8" border="medium"> Note: All these libraries are needed when importing <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files into system memory. After importing, they are no longer needed, similar to compile-time dependencies—unless you're planning to handle runtime user input or <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> sources from less secure locations. </.custom_block>

<.custom_block position="left" color="success" class="my-8" border="medium"> Note: Our entire blog is built this way, so you can expect to see Phoenix components throughout. The full code for the sections covered in this guide is provided at the end. </.custom_block>

<.heading2>Step 1: Install Required Dependencies</.heading2>

If you’ve already installed these libraries or are familiar with their use, feel free to skip to the next section to save some time.

  • Nimble Publisher: This library is a macro that lets you stack a module to hold converted <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files. It also provides callbacks to separate responsibilities such as parsing, converting, and building—all of which we will explore.

    For this tutorial, we are using version 1.1.0. Simply add it to your mix.exs as shown:

    <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code1}/>

  • MDEx: This is the real star of the show—it provides excellent features for converting <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files for use in your Elixir project, including the ability to call stateless Phoenix components directly.

    We're using version 0.2.0. Just add it as follows in mix.exs:

    <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code2}/>

  • Yaml Elixir: We use this library (optional) to create variables for HTML and SEO settings. You could use other approaches—even regex would work—but we use it because our blog has lots of code snippets and metadata like author information. Version 2.11.0 is what we use:

    <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code3}/>

  • Makeup: This optional library is great if you want a technical blog that displays code snippets nicely. If you’re using MDEx, you could skip Makeup, as MDEx can implement highlighting (we only mention it briefly here).

  • Html Entities and Floki: Choose either one for HTML encoding. It's used just once during conversion and not needed afterward. We used versions 0.5.2 and 0.36.2 respectively:

    <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code4}/>

<.custom_block position="left" color="success" class="my-8" border="medium"> For the complete code used in this tutorial, <.clink href="" target="_blank">click here.</.clink> </.custom_block>

<.heading2>Step 2: Building the Blog</.heading2>

<MishkaWeb.Components.List.list variant="transparent" size="medium" style="list-decimal" class="px-5"> <:item padding="small"> Specify the Path and Fetch <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> Files Define where to find the <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files and create an environment to process each file independently. <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code5}/> </:item> <:item padding="small"> Parse Each <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> File Create helper functions and an error-specific module as below: <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code6} class="mb-2"/> Now you have the <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files loaded into memory, and you can call them easily using the provided helper functions. </:item> <:item padding="small"> Build and Parse Next, create the <.custom_inline_code>build</.custom_inline_code> and <.custom_inline_code>parser</.custom_inline_code> modules. The parser handles the initial conversion, while the builder turns the raw data into a structured map. Parse <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code7} class="mb-2"/> Build <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code8}/> </:item> <:item padding="small"> Convert Body to HTML Use MDEx to convert the <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> content to HTML: <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code9}/> </:item> <:item padding="small"> Convert Phoenix Components Create a module to convert Phoenix components into HTML, allowing you to use components like Phoenix's <.custom_inline_code>link</.custom_inline_code> to navigate pages. <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code10} class="mb-2"/> This code may look complicated because it handles various tasks, such as listing components used in <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files, compiling them, and handling core elements from Phoenix and LiveView before encoding them into HTML. </:item> <:item padding="small"> Replace Floki (if needed) If you don't want to use Floki, replace the following code snippet: <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code11} class="mb-2"/> with: <.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code12}/> </:item> </MishkaWeb.Components.List.list>

<.heading3 color="color1">Bonus: Importing LiveView Components</.heading3>

Sometimes you may want to only call the function within Phoenix's components rather than their full module name—like with Phoenix's core components. Simply import them in the <.custom_inline_code>env</.custom_inline_code> function to achieve this.

<.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code13}/>

Beyond the basics, you could even use LiveView modules within the middle of your content—think of displaying a dynamic form inside a blog post. The answer is yes, this is possible!

Below is an example of using the component to convert your HTML content into an array based on the presence of live content or not (<.custom_inline_code><%= @attrs.code15 %></.custom_inline_code>).

<.custom_code_wrapper type="elixir" code={@attrs.code14}/>

<.custom_block position="left" color="danger" class="my-8" border="medium"> Notice that for live content, it uses <.custom_inline_code>live_render</.custom_inline_code>, whereas for simple HTML, it uses <.custom_inline_code>Phoenix.HTML.raw</.custom_inline_code>. </.custom_block>

<.custom_block position="left" color="warning" class="my-8" border="medium"> Note: This component/module should be of the <.custom_inline_code>:live_view</.custom_inline_code> type. </.custom_block>

<.custom_block position="left" color="success" class="my-8" border="medium"> For the complete code used in this tutorial, <.clink href="" target="_blank">click here.</.clink>. By the way, <.clink href="" target="_blank">click to see the .md file</.clink> of this article </.custom_block>

<.custom_block position="left" color="warning" class="my-8" border="medium"> Note: Each <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> file should be named like <.custom_inline_code></.custom_inline_code>. If you need a different structure, modify the code accordingly. In this guide, the <.custom_inline_code>.md</.custom_inline_code> files are located in <.custom_inline_code>priv/articles</.custom_inline_code>, but you can change this path if needed. </.custom_block>

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