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Created August 26, 2020 07:09
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Elm 2D Bin Packing
module BinPack exposing (..)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, input)
import Html.Attributes as H exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Random
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes as S exposing (..)
import Task
type BinPack a
= Node { w : Float, h : Float, r : BinPack a, b : BinPack a } a
| Free { w : Float, h : Float }
foldBinPack : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BinPack a -> b
foldBinPack f =
foldBinPack1 (\bp prev ->
case bp of
Node _ v -> f v prev
Free _ -> prev
foldBinPack1 : (BinPack a -> b -> b) -> b -> BinPack a -> b
foldBinPack1 f i bp =
case bp of
Node { r, b } _ ->
current = f bp i
fromR = foldBinPack1 f current r
fromB = foldBinPack1 f fromR b
in fromB
Free _ -> f bp i
type alias Occupied
= { x : Float
, y : Float
, w : Float
, h : Float
unfoldBinPack : ( ( a, Occupied ) -> k -> k) -> k -> BinPack a -> k
unfoldBinPack f =
helper x y v bp =
case bp of
Free _ -> v
Node n i ->
f ( i, { x = x, y = y, w = n.w, h = n.h } )
<| helper x (y + n.h) (helper (x + n.w) y v n.r) n.b
in helper 0 0
unpack : BinPack a -> List (a, Occupied)
unpack = unfoldBinPack (::) []
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = always init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
container w h = Free { w = w, h = h }
node w h r b a =
Node { w = w, h = h, r = r, b = b } a
pack : Rect -> Model -> Maybe Model
pack rect model =
case model of
Free f ->
fits = rect.width <= f.w && rect.height <= f.h
pright = container (f.w - rect.width) rect.height
pbelow = container f.w (f.h - rect.height)
if fits
then Just <| node rect.width rect.height pright pbelow rect.color
else Nothing
Node n v ->
case pack rect n.r of
Just newR -> Just <| node n.w n.h newR n.b v
Nothing ->
case pack rect n.b of
Just newB -> Just <| node n.w n.h n.r newB v
Nothing -> Nothing
pack1 : Rect -> Model -> Model
pack1 rect model =
pack rect model |> Maybe.withDefault model
type alias Color = String
type alias Rect =
{ width : Float
, height : Float
, color : Color
type alias Model =
BinPack Color
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( container 0 0
, Task.succeed ()
|> Task.perform (always Randomize)
randomColor : Random.Generator Color
randomColor =
(\r g b ->
"rgb(" ++ String.fromFloat (r * 255) ++
"," ++ String.fromFloat (g * 255) ++
"," ++ String.fromFloat (b * 255) ++
(Random.float 0 1)
(Random.float 0 1)
(Random.float 0 1)
randomRect : Random.Generator Rect
randomRect =
(Random.float 0 70)
(Random.float 0 70)
random : Random.Generator (List Rect)
random = 10 60
|> Random.andThen
(\len -> Random.list len randomRect)
type Msg
= Randomize
| Pack (List Rect)
| Error Rect
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Randomize ->
( container 300 300
, Random.generate
Pack rects ->
( rects
|> List.foldl pack1 model
, Cmd.none
Error rect ->
( model, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
viewItem (color, occ)
= Svg.rect
[ S.x <| String.fromFloat occ.x
, S.y <| String.fromFloat occ.y
, S.width <| String.fromFloat occ.w
, S.height <| String.fromFloat occ.h
, S.fill color
, S.strokeWidth "1"
, S.stroke "black"
[ input [ H.type_ "button", onClick Randomize, H.value "Next" ] [ Html.text "Random" ]
, svg [ S.width "300", S.height "300" ]
<| viewItem
<| unpack model
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