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Created December 11, 2019 09:46
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Errors2 where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Identity
data Error = Error String
data Value = Value Int
data Step m a = Step [Error] (Maybe Value) (m a)
alt (Just x) Nothing = Just x
alt (Just x) (Just x') = Just x'
alt Nothing r = r
instance Functor f => Functor (Step f) where
fmap f (Step errors x val) =
Step errors x (f <$> val)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (Step f) where
pure x = Step [] Nothing (pure x)
a <*> b = merge' a b
instance Monad (Step Maybe) where
step@(Step errors x m) >>= k =
case m of
Just v ->
step `merge` k v
Nothing ->
instance Monad (Step (Either Error)) where
step@(Step errors x m) >>= k =
case m of
Right v ->
step `merge` k v
Left err ->
(errors <> [ err ])
(Left err)
merge :: Step m a -> Step m b -> Step m b
merge (Step errors x m) (Step errors' x' m') =
(errors <> errors')
(x `alt` x')
merge' :: Applicative m => Step m (a -> b) -> Step m a -> Step m b
merge' (Step errors x f) (Step errors' x' v) =
(errors <> errors')
(x `alt` x')
(f <*> v)
instance Show Error where
show (Error err) = show err
instance Show a => Show (Step Maybe a) where
show (Step errors (Just (Value num)) val)
"Step "
++ show errors
++ " / has value "
++ show num
++ " / "
++ show val
show (Step errors Nothing val)
= "Step "
++ show errors
++ " / has no value "
++ " / "
++ show val
instance Show a => Show (Step (Either Error) a) where
show (Step errors (Just (Value num)) val)
"Step "
++ show errors
++ " / has value "
++ show num
++ " / "
++ show val
show (Step errors Nothing val)
= "Step "
++ show errors
++ " / has no value "
++ " / "
++ show val
cover :: Value -> m a -> Step m a
cover x m =
Step [] (Just x) m
cover' :: m a -> Step m a
cover' m =
Step [] Nothing m
coverError :: Error -> Value -> m a -> Step m a
coverError error x m =
Step [error] (Just x) m
coverError' :: Error -> m a -> Step m a
coverError' error m =
Step [error] Nothing m
(|>) = flip ($)
test :: Step Maybe ()
test = do
_ <- Just "a" |> cover (Value 0)
_ <- Just "b" |> cover (Value 1)
_ <- Just "c" |> coverError (Error "foo") (Value 2)
_ <- Just "d" |> coverError (Error "bar") (Value 3)
_ <- Just "e" |> cover (Value 4)
_ <- Just "f" |> cover'
_ <- Just "g" |> cover'
_ <- Just "h" |> cover'
_ <- Just "i" |> cover (Value 5)
_ <- Just "j" |> cover'
_ <- Just "k" |> cover'
_ <- Just "l" |> cover'
_ <- Just "m" |> coverError' (Error "buz")
return ()
test2 :: Step Maybe ()
test2 = do
_ <- Just "a" |> cover (Value 0)
_ <- Just "b" |> cover'
_ <- Just "c" |> coverError' (Error "foo")
_ <- Just "d" |> coverError' (Error "bar")
_ <- Just "e" |> cover'
_ <- Just "f" |> cover'
_ <- Just "g" |> cover'
_ <- Just "h" |> cover'
_ <- Just "i" |> cover'
_ <- Just "j" |> cover'
_ <- Just "k" |> cover'
_ <- Just "l" |> cover'
_ <- Just "m" |> coverError' (Error "buz")
return ()
test3 :: Step Maybe ()
test3 = do
_ <- Just "a" |> cover'
_ <- Just "b" |> cover'
_ <- Just "c" |> coverError' (Error "foo")
_ <- Just "d" |> coverError' (Error "bar")
_ <- Just "e" |> cover'
_ <- Just "f" |> cover'
_ <- Just "g" |> cover'
_ <- Just "h" |> cover'
_ <- Just "i" |> cover'
_ <- Just "j" |> cover'
_ <- Just "k" |> cover'
_ <- Just "l" |> cover'
_ <- Just "m" |> coverError' (Error "buz")
return ()
push :: Monad m => Value -> Step m ()
push x =
Step [] (Just x) (return ())
note :: Either Error x -> Step (Either Error) x
note either = Step [] Nothing either
test4 :: Step (Either Error) ()
test4 = do
_ <- push $ Value 1
_ <- Right "b" |> cover'
_ <- Right "c" |> coverError (Error "foo") (Value 2)
_ <- push $ Value 3
_ <- note $ Left $ Error "x"
_ <- note $ Left $ Error "y"
_ <- Right "d" |> coverError' (Error "bar")
_ <- Right "e" |> cover'
_ <- Right "f" |> cover'
_ <- Right "g" |> cover'
_ <- Right "h" |> cover'
_ <- Right "i" |> cover'
_ <- Right "j" |> cover'
_ <- Right "k" |> cover'
_ <- Right "l" |> cover'
_ <- Right "m" |> coverError' (Error "buz")
return ()
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