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Shamasis Bhattacharya shamasis

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shamasis / muppy.js
Created July 9, 2024 11:43
OpenAI CLI chatbot
const OpenAI = require('openai'),
readline = require('readline');
// Initialize OpenAI with API key
const openai = new OpenAI({
apiKey: "" // your-api-key-here
// For extra safety, use the line below, comment the line above and pass the API key as an environment variable:
// apiKey: process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY']
shamasis / climate.yaml
Created June 6, 2024 14:29
ESPHome Climate Controller
name: climate-control-esph-1337
friendly_name: Climate Control ESPH-1337
pin_status_led: GPIO2
pin_transmitter: GPIO4
pin_receiver: GPIO12
pin_dht: GPIO14
name: ${name}
shamasis / esp32.blink.ino
Created June 4, 2024 10:46
Sample sketch that blinks ESP32 built-In LED to smoke test everything works
# This is an ESPHome configuration for an Outdoor Weather Station.
# The configuration includes a raindrop coverage sensor and a rain sensor.
# The raindrop coverage sensor uses an ADC to measure water resistance,
# while the rain sensor is a digital sensor indicating whether it is raining or not.
# The configuration uses substitutions to define all the configurable parts,
# making it easy to adjust pins and other settings without modifying the entire file.
name: esph-29697f-ows-1
shamasis / event-layer-coordinates.js
Created June 7, 2014 20:40
Cross browser layerX and layerY in JavaScript
* Get layerX and layerY of an event across all browsers without
* using the deprecated layerX of webkit.
* It stores `targetX` and `targetY` in the event, to act like `layerY`
* and `layerY` respectively.
getElementPosition = (function () {
var body = window.document.body || window.document.documentElement;
return function (event) {
shamasis / main.cpp
Created March 22, 2020 15:52
TOTP Generator for ESP32 OLED module
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
// dependencies
#include "TOTP++.h"
#include "SSD1306.h"
// replace with your network credentials
const char* ssid = "Redacted";
const char* password = "Redacted";
shamasis / describe-it.js
Last active September 5, 2023 07:12
mocha/jasmine compatible test framework for postman test scripts (in less than 1KB minified)
* @module describe-it
* This module defines global variables to provide unit test case runner functions compatible with mocha and jasmine.
* The codebase is written for brevity and facilitate being as lightweight as possible.
* The code is intended to be included in Postman Test Sandbox.
shamasis /
Created December 21, 2014 09:41
Create and allocate AWS Elastic IP at one go using AWS CLI. Replace `$1` with your Instance Id or simply execute this file as a script and pass the Instance Id as the first argument to the script.
aws ec2 associate-address --instance-id $1 --public-ip $(aws ec2 allocate-address --output text --query 'PublicIp')
shamasis /
Created May 5, 2021 12:48
Make your Mac remind you every 30 seconds
watch -n 30 say It is time
shamasis / benchmark-compare-keys-vs-loop-obj-iteration.spec.js
Created January 7, 2018 10:13
Benchmark Object.keys().forEach vs loop
_ = require('lodash'),
Benchmark = require('benchmark'),
suite = new Benchmark.Suite,
result = [],
seedSize = 10000,
seedData = Array(seedSize).fill().map(() => String(Math.round(Math.random() * seedSize))).reduce((obj, val) => {