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Created December 17, 2015 15:14
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R script for lda topic model of my tweets, then visualized with ldaVIS package.
setwd("/Users/shawngraham/Desktop/data mining and tools/tweetsdec17")
# install.packages("rio")
# install.packages("tm")
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx5120m")
##importing opencontext site diaries
importdocs <- lapply("tweets.csv", readLines) ## change this to the version that doesn't have the date columns, or figure out how to tell r to just grab the text column
## or rather, maybe just the year column, because that becomes a word, in which case might see some interesting patterns
stop_words <- stopwords("SMART")
importdocs <- gsub("'", "", importdocs) # remove apostrophes
importdocs <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", " ", importdocs) # replace punctuation with space
importdocs <- gsub("[[:cntrl:]]", " ", importdocs) # replace control characters with space
importdocs <- gsub("^[[:space:]]+", "", importdocs) # remove whitespace at beginning of documents
importdocs <- gsub("[[:space:]]+$", "", importdocs) # remove whitespace at end of documents
importdocs <- tolower(importdocs)
doc.list <- strsplit(importdocs, "[[:space:]]+")
term.table <- table(unlist(doc.list))
term.table <- sort(term.table, decreasing = TRUE)
doc.list <- strsplit(importdocs, "[[:space:]]+")
# compute the table of terms:
term.table <- table(unlist(doc.list))
term.table <- sort(term.table, decreasing = TRUE)
# remove terms that are stop words or occur fewer than 5 times:
del <- names(term.table) %in% stop_words | term.table < 5
term.table <- term.table[!del]
vocab <- names(term.table)
# now put the documents into the format required by the lda package:
get.terms <- function(x) {
index <- match(x, vocab)
index <- index[!]
rbind(as.integer(index - 1), as.integer(rep(1, length(index))))
documents <- lapply(doc.list, get.terms)
# Compute some statistics related to the data set:
D <- length(documents) # number of documents (2,000)
W <- length(vocab) # number of terms in the vocab (14,568)
doc.length <- sapply(documents, function(x) sum(x[2, ])) # number of tokens per document [312, 288, 170, 436, 291, ...]
N <- sum(doc.length) # total number of tokens in the data (546,827)
term.frequency <- as.integer(term.table)
# MCMC and model tuning parameters:
K <- 20 ## this is the number of topics.
G <- 5000
alpha <- 0.02
eta <- 0.02
# Fit the model:
# install.packages("lda")
t1 <- Sys.time()
fit <- lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(documents = documents, K = K, vocab = vocab,
num.iterations = G, alpha = alpha,
eta = eta, initial = NULL, burnin = 0,
compute.log.likelihood = TRUE)
t2 <- Sys.time()
t2 - t1 # about 24 minutes on laptop
theta <- t(apply(fit$document_sums + alpha, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)))
phi <- t(apply(t(fit$topics) + eta, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)))
#need to change kenantepe to something more meaningful
kenantepe <- list(phi = phi,
theta = theta,
doc.length = doc.length,
vocab = vocab,
term.frequency = term.frequency)
# install.packages("LDAvis")
# create the JSON object to feed the visualization:
json <- createJSON(phi = kenantepe$phi,
theta = kenantepe$theta,
doc.length = kenantepe$doc.length,
vocab = kenantepe$vocab,
term.frequency = kenantepe$term.frequency)
# install.packages("servr")
serVis(json, out.dir = 'vis', open.browser = TRUE)
# you can view in browser at
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laviela commented Nov 27, 2018

Thank you so much! It is very useful.

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