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Last active September 24, 2016 18:22
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Ecto Shortcuts

Ecto Shortcuts

Intended Usage

Just put use Ecto.Shortcuts in your Ecto model or call it in the model method in the web/web.ex of your Phoenix app.

defmodule PhoenixApp.User do
  use PhoenixApp.Web, :model
  use Ecto.Shortcuts

You can now call get/1, all/0, delete/1, etc on the model directly:

# instead of PhoenixApp.Repo.all(User)

# instead of PhoenixApp.Repo.get(User, 2)


  1. Is the naming scheme correct? (i.e. is Ecto.Shortcuts a good name?)
  2. Is doing this a good idea?
  3. Are there any anti-patterns in the code?
  4. Am I using macros correctly?
  5. What should I keep in mind while publishing this as a hex package?
defmodule Ecto.Shortcuts do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
def all do
apply(kin_module("Repo"), :all, [__MODULE__])
def get(id) do
apply(kin_module("Repo"), :get, [__MODULE__, id])
## Other methods
## ...
defp parent_module do
|> Module.split
|> Enum.drop(-1)
|> Module.concat
defp kin_module(name) do
Module.concat(parent_module, name)
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