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Created August 28, 2009 16:07
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pldms@snowball:/tmp/ant-jruby$ jruby -S gem install bitescript
pldms@snowball:/tmp/ant-jruby$ cat file.rb
require "java"
require "lib/ant.jar"
include_class ""
class SampleTask < Task
def execute
puts "Hello from SampleTask!"
pldms@snowball:/tmp/ant-jruby$ jruby -rubygems PATH_TO_JRUBY/tool/compiler2.rb SampleTask SampleTask file.rb
pldms@snowball:/tmp/ant-jruby$ javap SampleTask
Compiled from "file.rb"
public class SampleTask extends org.jruby.RubyObject{
static {};
public SampleTask();
public org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject execute();
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