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Created December 4, 2020 16:23
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[$а, $е, $ё, $и, $о, $у, $ы, $э, $ю, $я]).
[$б, $в, $г, $д, $ж, $з, $к, $л, $м, $н, $п, $р, $с, $т, $ф, $х, $ц, $ч,
$ш, $щ]).
[$й, $ь, $ъ]).
huify(Word) when is_binary(Word) ->
case syllabify(Word) of
{ok, List} when erlang:length(List) < 4 -> do_huify(List);
{ok, List} -> do_huify(lists:nthtail(erlang:length(List) - 4, List));
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
%% one-syllable word
do_huify([[Grapheme | Syllable]]) ->
{SubReplace, SubKeep} = case lists:member(Grapheme, ?cl_vowels()) of
%% first grapheme is a vowel; cut all vowels, replace them, keep the rest
true ->
{_, ToReplace, ToKeep} = lists:foldl(fun
(G, {true, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]};
(G, {false, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> case lists:member(G, ?cl_vowels()) of
true -> {false, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep};
false -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]}
end, {false, [], []}, [Grapheme | Syllable]),
{ToReplace, lists:reverse(ToKeep)};
%% first grapheme is not a vowel; cut everything before first vowel,
%% replace it, keep the rest
false ->
{_, ToReplace, ToKeep} = lists:foldl(fun
(G, {true, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]};
(G, {false, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> case lists:member(G, ?cl_vowels()) of
true -> {true, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep};
false -> {false, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep}
end, {false, [], []}, [Grapheme | Syllable]),
{ToReplace, lists:reverse(ToKeep)}
{ok, unicode:characters_to_binary(lists:flatten([do_replace(SubReplace), SubKeep]))};
%% multi-syllable word
do_huify([[Grapheme1 | Syllable1], [Grapheme2 | Syllable2] | Syllables]) ->
{SubReplace, SubKeep} = case lists:member(Grapheme2, ?cl_vowels()) of
%% first grapheme of the second syllable is a vowel; cut all of first
%% vowels of the second syllable and replace them, also toss the first
%% syllable; keep the rest, including trailing syllables
true ->
{_, ToReplace, ToKeep} = lists:foldl(fun
(G, {true, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]};
(G, {false, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> case lists:member(G, ?cl_vowels()) of
true -> {false, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep};
false -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]}
end, {false, [], []}, [Grapheme2 | Syllable2]),
{lists:reverse(ToReplace), lists:flatten([lists:reverse(ToKeep) | Syllables])};
%% first grapheme of the second syllable is not a vowel; keep it,
%% work with the first one
false ->
case lists:member(Grapheme1, ?cl_vowels()) of
%% first grapheme of the first syllable is a vowel; cut all
%% vowels, replace them, keep the rest, including trailing syllables
true ->
{_, ToReplace, ToKeep} = lists:foldl(fun
(G, {true, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]};
(G, {false, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> case lists:member(G, ?cl_vowels()) of
true -> {false, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep};
false -> {true, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]}
end, {false, [], []}, [Grapheme1 | Syllable1]),
{ToReplace, lists:flatten([lists:reverse(ToKeep), [Grapheme2 | Syllable2] | Syllables])};
%% first grapheme of the first syllable is not a vowel; cut all
%% graphemes before the first vowel and replace it; keep the rest,
%% including trailing syllables
false ->
{_, ToReplace, ToKeep} = lists:foldl(fun
(G, {true, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> {true, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep};
(G, {false, ToReplace, ToKeep}) -> case lists:member(G, ?cl_vowels()) of
true -> {true, [G | ToReplace], ToKeep};
false -> {false, ToReplace, [G | ToKeep]}
end, {false, [], []}, lists:reverse(Syllable1)),
{lists:reverse(ToReplace), lists:flatten([ToKeep, [Grapheme2 | Syllable2] | Syllables])}
{ok, unicode:characters_to_binary(lists:flatten([do_replace(SubReplace), SubKeep]))}.
%% replacement map; argument is reversed, ret is not
do_replace([$а | _]) -> "Хуя";
do_replace([$е | _]) -> "Хуе";
do_replace([$ё | _]) -> "Хуе";
do_replace([$и | _]) -> "Хуи";
do_replace([$о | _]) -> "Хуе";
do_replace([$у | _]) -> "Хую";
do_replace([$ы | _]) -> "Хуи";
do_replace([$э | _]) -> "Хуе";
do_replace([$ю | _]) -> "Хую";
do_replace([$я | _]) -> "Хуя";
do_replace(_) -> "Хуй".
syllabify(Word) ->
syllabify(string:next_grapheme(Word), {_subst = [], _orig = [], _sylls = []}).
%% next grapheme is invalid
syllabify({error, _}, _) ->
{error, invalid_string};
%% break the word into syllables
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $v, $e | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $v, $-, $e | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$c, $v, $e | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$c, $v, $-, $e | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $e | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $-, $e | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$c, $c, $e | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$c, $c, $-, $e | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $v, $c | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $-, $v, $c | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $c, $v | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $-, $c, $v | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $v, $v, $c | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $v, $-, $v, $c | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$c, $v, $v, $c | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$c, $v, $-, $v, $c | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $c, $c, $v | Acc], [G1, G2 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $c, $-, $c, $v | Acc], [G1, G2], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $c, $c, $c, $v | Acc], [G1, G2, G3 | Orig], Sylls}) ->
syllabify(Word, {[$v, $c, $c, $-, $c, $c, $v | Acc], [G1, G2, G3], [lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls]});
%% find if next grapheme hits any group
syllabify([Grapheme | Rest], {Acc, Orig, Sylls}) ->
case {
lists:member(Grapheme, ?cl_etc()),
lists:member(Grapheme, ?cl_vowels()),
lists:member(Grapheme, ?cl_consonants())
} of
{true, _, _} -> syllabify(string:next_grapheme(Rest), {[$e | Acc], [Grapheme | Orig], Sylls});
{_, true, _} -> syllabify(string:next_grapheme(Rest), {[$v | Acc], [Grapheme | Orig], Sylls});
{_, _, true} -> syllabify(string:next_grapheme(Rest), {[$c | Acc], [Grapheme | Orig], Sylls});
_ -> {error, invalid_grapheme}
%% return
syllabify([], {_Acc, Orig, Sylls}) -> {ok, lists:reverse([lists:reverse(Orig) | Sylls])}.
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