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Shlomi Fish shlomif

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use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use IO::Handle;
sub input_number
shlomif /
Created October 21, 2010 16:08 — forked from Altreus/
$s=shift;print grep[sort/./g]~~[sort$s=~/./g],<>
shlomif /
Created September 1, 2012 18:52
Crude Prototype for Adding Test Coverage Traces for lib/
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::All;
my $func_name = "DB::db_foo_trace";
my @lines = io("lib/")->getlines();
# Making screencasts
# NOTE ! => If you have problems with ffmpeg hanging or something like that, just kill
# pulseaudio and start it again, perhaps with -vv switch from your user and it'll work fine afterwards.
# screencast_with_cam <screeencast_Title>
# It will delete any existing flv file with the same title. You don't need to add the .flv extension
shlomif / gist:11385356
Created April 28, 2014 22:03
Equivalent Perl+Shell and Ruby One-Liners (For learning Ruby)
C=50 perl -plE 's/^[^\[]+//;$_=substr($_,0, $ENV{C});' < fc-solve-pseudo-dfs.log.txt | uniq -c | perl -plE 's/\d\K /\t\t/'
C=50 ruby -lne 'BEGIN{$C=0}; sub(/^[^\[]+/,""); $_= $_[0,ENV["C"].to_i]; $P ||= ""; f = lambda { printf("%10d\t\t%s\n", $C, $P) if$C>0; $P=$_;$C=1; }; if ($P != $_) then ;else $C += 1 end ; END{}' < fc-solve-pseudo-dfs.log.txt
shlomif / Bar_Refaeli.markdown
Created July 29, 2014 14:42
IRC log with Bar Refaeli.

EdwardIII: :-) EdwardIII: yes. EdwardIII: Bar Refaeli is the Israeli alpha female. EdwardIII: EdwardIII: I wonder if I should add her Twitter to the ext. links. EdwardIII: - No. 1! EdwardIII: hmm... the reporter who wrote that story is called "Sarah Anne Hughes" similarly to my .

<rindolf> Hi all. I'm seeking advice for a problem I'm having. I have created a fanfic world - - where my conception of Star Trek TNG/DS9 is real and Buffy is presumed to be fictional. However, now it is a parallel world called the Beckyverse where my conception of Buffy is real and Star Trek is presumed to be fictional.
<fischma01> Buffy deals with vampires and such, Star Trek deals with the final frontier
<rindolf> Moreover, then in a typical or,_Escher,_Bach style, the Selinaverse's Q Continuum finds a way to reach the Beckyverse, and they help them. My question is: in which wiki do both worlds belong? or ? My main problem with keeping it in the Buffy wikia is that it's very
<rindolf> inactive, and Buffy quite went into obscurity ("Sarah Michelle Gellar? Who is she?")
shlomif / JSX.html
Last active September 26, 2015 12:38 — forked from anonymous/JSX.html
<script type="text/javascript">
var settid = "sitelocked";
var status2 = false;
var data = { "sitelocked":true, "officelocked":false, "paging":20 };
if(status2 === true){
console.log('ITS TRUE');
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Net::GitHub;
use List::Util qw/max/;
my $org = "dagolden";