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#EXTINF:-1 group-title="BANGLA" tvg-logo="",ABP Ananda [IN]
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="BANGLA" tvg-logo="",Akash Aath [IN]
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="BANGLA" tvg-logo="",ANANDA TV [BD]
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="BANGLA" tvg-logo="",ASIAN TV HD [BD]
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="BANGLA" tvg-logo="",ATN Bangla
shobhitsharma / bigONotation.js
Created July 20, 2021 07:47 — forked from jhwheeler/bigONotation.js
Big O Notation Exercises
// 1. Even or odd
function isEven(value){
if (value % 2 == 0){
return true;
return false;
shobhitsharma / vendors~main.edc294cf.js
Created July 13, 2018 09:49
(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[0],[function(e,t,n){"use strict";n.d(t,"x",function(){return i}),n.d(t,"e",function(){return a}),n.d(t,"b",function(){return l}),n.d(t,"a",function(){return c}),n.d(t,"c",function(){return s}),n.d(t,"d",function(){return f}),n.d(t,"r",function(){return d}),n.d(t,"u",function(){return p}),n.d(t,"o",function(){return h}),n.d(t,"h",function(){return m}),n.d(t,"q",function(){return g}),n.d(t,"v",function(){return b}),n.d(t,"w",function(){return w}),n.d(t,"f",function(){return k}),n.d(t,"l",function(){return E}),n.d(t,"g",function(){return x}),n.d(t,"m",function(){return C}),n.d(t,"j",function(){return S}),n.d(t,"y",function(){return T}),n.d(t,"t",function(){return P}),n.d(t,"s",function(){return N}),n.d(t,"n",function(){return j}),n.d(t,"z",function(){return R}),n.d(t,"p",function(){return A}),n.d(t,"k",function(){return U}),n.d(t,"A",function(){return I}),n.d(t,"i",function(){return M});var r=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n
shobhitsharma /
Last active August 7, 2023 09:13
SSL support for localhost with Webpack

HTTPS using localhost

To generate a local certiticate and using it, please follow these steps (note: replace MY_DOMAIN, MY_FILENAME and MY_PASSPHRASE based on your choice):

Step 1: Generate private key

openssl genrsa -out MY_FILENAME.key 4096
shobhitsharma /
Created July 27, 2023 20:02 — forked from andrebq/


Standard Braking Distance

  • DE: (Geschwindigkeit / 10) * (Geschwindigkeit / 10)
  • EN: (Speed / 10) * (Speed / 10)

Evasive (Emergency) Braking Distance

  • DE: ((Geschwindigkeit / 10) * (Geschwindigkeit / 10)) / 2
  • EN: ((Speed / 10) * (Speed / 10)) / 2
shobhitsharma /
Created July 27, 2023 20:01 — forked from ElioLopez/
Fahrschule, driving license germany, berlin

While driving on the motorway you overtake several vehicles. A vehicle approaches you from behind with indicators and headlights flashing. What should you do?

  • I brake briefly to prompt the vehicle behind to keep its distance
  • I continue driving until I can again pull into the right-hand lane
  • I turn on my hazard lights briefly to urge the vehicle behind to keep its distance

When must you switch on the hazard lights on your vehicle? If my vehicle

  • is being towed
  • experiences a breakdown at a place where the view is obscured
  • is briefly double-parked by me
shobhitsharma /
Created August 9, 2018 22:43
Flexbox Guide

The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial

When I started to learn flex I wanted to see everything it was capable of. But when it came to examples of all properties, visually I wasn’t able to find a thorough tutorial. So, I created these diagrams that offer a bird’s 🐦 eye view.

If you wish to support my work, CSS Visual Dictionary is my book. All diagrams in this tutorial were taken directly from the manuscript!

layout title permalink
The Side Project Marketing Checklist

The Side Project Marketing Checklist is a comprehensive, chronologically ordered list of marketing tactics and ideas that you can try with your next side project. The list is free and open source so feel free to suggest your own tips anytime.


shobhitsharma / mixins.scss
Created July 12, 2020 17:01
IE 11 - CSS Grid - SASS mixins
// Ensure CSS grid works with IE 11 spec.
// sass-lint:disable no-vendor-prefixes, no-duplicate-properties
@mixin display-grid {
display: -ms-grid;
display: grid;
// $columns values should be delimited by a space
@mixin grid-template-columns($columns...) {