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Created February 2, 2019 19:31
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import pygame
import random
class Node:
def __init__(self, x, y, air=0.0, wall=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.air = air
self.wall = wall
# Init pygame
size = width, height = 1024, 1024
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption("Air Stuff")
# Colors
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
# Init grid of nodes
grid_x, grid_y = 32, 32
grid = []
for gx in range(grid_x):
for gy in range(grid_y):
grid[gx].append(Node(gx, gy))
def get_neighbors(x, y):
neighbors = []
for nx in range(max(x - 1, 0), min(x + 1, grid_x - 1) + 1):
for ny in range(max(y - 1, 0), min(y + 1, grid_y - 1) + 1):
if (nx, ny) != (x, y):
return neighbors
done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
wall_paint = None
while not done:
frame_rate_ratio = clock.get_time() / (1000 / FRAME_RATE)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
# Click to add / remove air
left, mid, right = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if left or mid or right:
m_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click_node = grid[int(m_pos[0] / (width / grid_x))][int(m_pos[1] // (height / grid_y))]
if left:
click_node.air = 5
elif right:
click_node.air = -5
elif mid:
if wall_paint is None:
wall_paint = not click_node.wall
click_node.wall = wall_paint
wall_paint = None
# Update air pressure
for gx in range(grid_x):
for gy in range(grid_y):
node = grid[gx][gy]
if node.wall:
neighbors_low = [n for n in get_neighbors(gx, gy)
if not n.wall and n.air < node.air]
if neighbors_low:
delta_air = frame_rate_ratio * max(0.1, 0.1 * node.air) / len(neighbors_low)
for neighbor in neighbors_low:
if neighbor.air + delta_air > node.air - delta_air:
neighbor.air = node.air = (neighbor.air + node.air) / 2
neighbor.air += delta_air
node.air -= delta_air
# Draw grid
for gx in range(grid_x):
for gy in range(grid_y):
node = grid[gx][gy]
node_pos = (gx * (width / grid_x), gy * (height / grid_y))
node_size = (width / grid_x, height / grid_y)
node_color_val = max(0, min(255, int(255 * (1 - node.air))))
node_color = (255, node_color_val, node_color_val)
if node.air < 0:
node_color_val = max(0, min(255, int(255 * (1 + node.air))))
node_color = (node_color_val, node_color_val, 255)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK if node.wall else node_color, [*node_pos, *node_size])
# pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, [*node_pos, *node_size], 1) # grid
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