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Created June 15, 2018 08:20
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hideSpinner : function( component ) {
var eleSpinner = component.find( "spinner" );
$A.util.addClass( eleSpinner, "slds-hide" );
showSpinner : function( component ) {
var eleSpinner = component.find( "spinner" );
$A.util.removeClass( eleSpinner, "slds-hide" );
showToast : function( data ) {
var toastEvent = $A.get( "e.force:showToast" );
duration : 2000,
title : data.title,
message : data.message,
type : data.type ? data.type : (data.isSuccess ? "success" : "error")
applySortable : function( component ) {
var helper = this;
jQuery( ".slds-lane" ).sortable(
revert : true,
connectWith : ".slds-lane",
handle : ".slds-title",
placeholder : "slds-item slds-m-around--small slds-item-placeholder"
jQuery( ".slds-lane" ).on(
function( event, ui ) {
jQuery( ui.item ).addClass( "moving-card" );
jQuery( ".slds-lane" ).on(
function( event, ui ) {
jQuery( ui.item ).removeClass( "moving-card" );
var leadId = $( ui.item ).data( "id" );
var oldLeadStatus = $( ui.item ).data( "status" );
var newLeadStatus = $( ui.item ).parent().data( "name" );
var isDropEnabled = $( ui.item ).parent().data( "drop-enabled" );
* If the cards were dropped
* into a prohibited column
* and if the action was not
* just a re-ordering then
* thrown an error!
if( !isDropEnabled && oldLeadStatus !== newLeadStatus ) {
jQuery( ".slds-lane" ).sortable( "cancel" );
helper.showToast( {
isSuccess : false,
title : "Prohibited",
message : "You cannot move cards into this column. Action has been reverted."
} );
else {
helper.showSpinner( component );
var action = component.get( "c.updateLeadStatus" );
var params = {
"leadId" : leadId,
"newLeadStatus" : newLeadStatus,
"ordering" : []
* Maintain the ordering within
* the lane.
$( ui.item ).parent().children().each(
function() {
params.ordering.push( $( this ).data( "id" ) );
action.setParams( params );
function( response ) {
var state = response.getState();
helper.hideSpinner( component );
if( state === "SUCCESS" ) {
var updateStatus = response.getReturnValue();
* Show a separate message
* if the cards were just
* re-arranged within the
* same column.
if( oldLeadStatus === newLeadStatus ) {
updateStatus.type = "info";
updateStatus.message = "Column Ordering was Updated.";
$( ui.item ).attr( "data-status", newLeadStatus );
helper.showToast( updateStatus );
$A.enqueueAction( action );
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