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Created December 11, 2015 13:56
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Plot the active hours of an IRC channel based on your own logs.
# usage: n=$(pwd); cd ~/.weechat/logs; cp $n/{plot,activity} .; ./plot *math.weechatlog
# Be aware that if your client's not receiving messages 24/7,
# some hours will not receive coverage or some might be underrepresented.
# Furthermore, using a bouncer with a long scrollback will create pikes.
! [ -z "$1" ] && (tail -n100000 "$1" | ./activity > data)
[ -e data ] && gnuplot -p -e \
"set xrange [1:$(tail -n1 data | sed 's/ .*//')]; plot '-' using 1:2 with l" \
< data
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- vim: ft=haskell
-- requires `cabal install MissingH'
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Locale
import System.Time
import System.Time.ParseDate
import Text.Printf
type Key = Int
scale = 12
hour = 60 `div` scale
range = [0..24 * hour - 1]
key c = (ctHour c) * hour + (ctMin c) `div` scale
-- describe key = printf "%02i:%02i" (key `div` hour) (key `mod` scale)
-- present (a, b) = printf "%s %i %i" (describe a :: String) a b
present (a, b) = printf "%i %i" a b
addNones :: [(Key, Int)] -> [(Key, Int)]
addNones stats = sort . (++ stats) . map (\a -> (a, 0)) $ range \\ (map fst stats)
calculate :: [String] -> [(Key, Int)]
calculate = map (\as@(a:_) -> (a, length as)) . group . sort . map (key . fromJust . parse)
where parse = parseCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
main = getContents >>= mapM_ (putStrLn . present) . addNones . calculate . lines
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